Thursday, December 26, 2019
Gender Norms And Enforcing Gender Stereotypes On Society
The issue of gender norms and enforcing gender stereotypes on society, especially young people and children, is an important problem that must be combatted. This issue causes many problems in children as they are pressured to stick to the status quo and do what others define as the right way of living. Although there are many aspects of society that contribute to this problem, such as sexism, bullying, and peer pressure against all genders, specifically, the harmful stereotypes that are upheld in today s society and how they affect young people is a great problem (boundless). There is an extreme difference in how society views and treats children based on their gender and it can be difficult for a boy who likes to play with dolls or a girl who enjoys racing cars to find a way to enjoy these things without facing opposition from other children or even their parents or siblings (boundless). While girls are encouraged to play with things associated with femininity, dolls, kitchens and p lay dress-up games, boys are pushed into items associated with masculinity, race cars, sports and games that glorify war (the Atlantic). Many adults attempt to affect the way that children think or act by raising them according to their beliefs and refusing to allow them to explore other options (boundless). This is commonplace, especially in societies where stereotypes are rigidly upheld, as in some Arab countries. It can be extremely harmful for girls and boys to try to break free of theseShow MoreRelatedTelevision Shows Influence On Gender Roles Essay912 Words  | 4 Pagesbiological sex, however how we choose to perform our gender is up to us (Eckert and McConnell- Ginet). In the case of television shows, how characters perform their genders is up to the script writers. Media, specifically television shows, plays a sizable role in creating and enforcing gender norms because of its wide range of influence. Many popular television shows tend to exaggerate gender roles by making actors either overplay or underplay the gender that goes with their assigned sex. While the actionsRead MoreThe Theory And Contemporary Issues1069 Words  | 5 Pagesqualities that society tends to associate with either being masculine of feminine. For things like hair color or choice of style this seems harmless. But in reality, the extent of using constant associations can be quite harmful. Associations contribute to what society recognizes nowadays as-- gender roles and stereotypes. They influence how people think, speak and interact on a daily basis with one another. Thus, gender norms were actually created by society (Gardner, 2015). Gender based roles haveRead MoreGender Roles In Same Sex Relationships885 Words  | 4 PagesHowever, isn’t it ridiculous to impose gender roles on couples? Today many gay couples are victims of people imposing gender roles upon them, and if you answered yes to the above question. Isn’t it still ridiculous to do this within a same-sex relationship? In this point in time, we as humans are struggling with redefining positions in history, such as; gender roles upon gay couples, and author Stephen Mays builds this claim in his article, What about Gender Roles in Same-Sex Relationships? It’sRead More`` Eat Like A Man, Man : The Advertisement For Their New Texas Double Whopper Burger1473 Words  | 6 Pagestheir new Texas Double Whopper burger. This brief but influential advert left its viewers wondering whether their diet was masculine or feminine. Within the advertisement, Burger King establishes a theme of power and masculinity, promoting gender roles and stereotypes while belittling the feminist movement through making a mockery of it. The theme of masculinity and power is very apparent within the ad as throughout the entire video, a group of mainly muscular men unite in order to satisfy their manlyRead MoreSex, Gender, And Gender847 Words  | 4 PagesThe meaning of sex and gender is often thought of as the same thing, when in fact it the meanings between these two words are different. Sex is the characteristics that are set apart from male and female. The characteristics include primary sex traits related to the reproductive system such as: hormones, chromosomes, the genitalia, and various other ways. However, the secondary sex traits that are not directly based on the reproductive system. These secondary traits consist of characteristics suchRead MoreGender Roles And Its Effects On Society1405 Words  | 6 PagesGender Roles In Todays Society Are Due To Nurture Society today places many ideals when it comes to proper behaviours regarding gender roles. These are considered societal norms that are widely debated and controversial. Society has created a norm, which encompasses specific expectations and rules that change the daily lives of men and women, giving them specific tasks and behaviours to abide by. These standards are known as gender roles, which are defined as distinguishing actions, thoughts, andRead MoreGender Stereotypes And Objectification Of Women888 Words  | 4 Pagesby discussing overarching themes, in particular, gender stereotypes and objectification of women. Then I will analyze the photos from an intersectionality perspective and its importance. In addition, I will self-reflect about how gender, sex, and sexuality influence my life and how my beliefs have been challenged over the semester. Finally, I will conclude my paper with ways, in which, we can make social change, so we can reduce gender stereotypes. Themes There were two major overarching themesRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen1544 Words  | 7 Pagesbeen questions generated on the gender roles of the society. Expectations can differentiate upon the behaviors and attitudes that affect men and women within those societies. In A Doll’s House, the gender roles match those that are consistent to the real world expectations of women’s rights. Henrik Ibsen, author of A Doll’s House, uses his play to represent the traditional gender roles of the time and even go further in depth to explain the reality of it all. Gender roles are supposed to be the wayRead MoreParent Keep Child s Gender Secret Essay1445 Words  | 6 PagesSex is a hot topic to society. According to many, the biological makeup of a person determines one’s gender and personal lifestyle. While girls are supposed to like ballet and wear pink, boys are supposed to play with trucks and like sports. What people like and what they do is determin ed by their gender, but most of this assumptions are based on one’s sex. The expectations that society has of how people are supposed to dress and act could be different if their sex was not something to worry aboutRead MoreThe Relationship Between Gender Identities And Social Identities1442 Words  | 6 Pagesrelationship between gender identities and social identities. I look at many different areas of research into these two topics and then relate to how that effects the inequality or equality of gender. I will also look at the ways in which girls dis-identify with feminism and why? As well as looking at how girl’s ambitions have changed since the 1970’s. I also look at why men may be just as suppressed as women by society and its norms and values. The connection between gender and social inequalities
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Political Corruption in Bangladesh Essay - 3158 Words
Political Corruption in Bangladesh In this paper I will explain how corruption in Bangladesh works, shedding light on a practice that has long kept most people wondering about who is on whose payroll and who owes whom for what. In order to do this without confusing anyone first I will explain a little about the country of Bangladesh. Next I will define corruption and explain the forms it takes, as well as why certain individuals choose to practice corruption. Finally the paper will obviously talk about corruption in Bangladeshi government and business. Bangladesh emerged as its own country in 1971 when Bengali East Pakistan seceded from its union with West Pakistan (The World Fact Book). This double union emerged in 1947 (The†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Political infighting inside the nation has also slowed progress toward economic growth†, states the World Fact Book (The World Fact Book). â€Å"Bangladesh is also armored with many military branches including: army, navy, air force, coast guard, and many different parliamentary forces†states the World Fact Book due to political unrest around that area (The World Fact Book). â€Å"Bangladesh’s main trading partners are the United States, Japan, and South Korea with the countries GDP of 151 billion US dollars†last year according to the World Fact Book (The World Fact Book). Bangla, the seventh most used language in the world is spoken by over 99% of the countries people (The World Fact Book). â€Å"Rural society in Bangladesh generally consists of a village with multiple families, with a complete of incomplete extended household living in the home†declares the University of Texas online (The Roots). This means most families have a large house with uncles, aunts, and grandparents all living together. The University of Texas online also added, â€Å"Although most of these people are farmers, parents now days encourage their children to leave the overcrowded country and find more secure employment in the city†(The Roots). According to a recent poll taken by t he Ministry of Planning’s Bureau of Statistics, 47 % of the rural population is below the poverty line, and 62% ofShow MoreRelatedThe Current Situation Of Bangladesh1095 Words  | 5 PagesBackground: Bangladesh is a unitary parliamentary republic with an elected parliament called Jatiyo Sangshad. It gained its independence from Pakistan in 1971 and has, since then, seen alteration of civilian and military regimes. After the independence, the new state endured poverty, famine, political turmoil and military coups. The current situation in Bangladesh is embedded in the history and political situation of the country. In 2001, when the Awami League lost the elections to the Bangladesh NationalistRead MoreThe Anti- Corruption Of Bangladesh1510 Words  | 7 PagesSince the independence, Bangladesh has achieved commendable progresses in terms of socio-economic and governance. Corruption is still a major obstacle towards development and good governance. There have been several institutions in the country established to fight corruption in the country. The Bureau of Anti-Corruption (BAC) was established in 1957, during which Bangladesh was East Pakistan. This bureau was the first institution established to fight corruption. Corruption was identified as a crimeRead MoreAdministrative Corruption Is Now A Buzzword For The Current Era Essay1360 Words  | 6 PagesAdministrative corruption is now a buzzword for the current era. It differs from country to country as it’s effects are varying on the basis of socio economic and political structure and the proportion of a nation’s growth. It makes a public or, private organisation untrustworthy and increase nullification negligence and in society. Corruption has been the problem belonging ever since from the human civilisation.Corruption is not a new phenomenon Bangladesh. It got heavily engaged with the administrativeRead MoreMax Weber s Theory Of Bureaucracy Essay1135 Words  | 5 Pagesrender services. In the context of Bangladesh, some major problems that create bureau-pathology are identified here. †¢ Bureaucracy in Bangladesh suffers due to politicization of administration, mass promotion and transfer, usually under political consideration. This deprives many qualified candidates and breedsdiscontent among the bureaucrats. (Khan, 2012) . And being demotivated and discontent they reduce their output, some resort to corruption. Not only political affiliation dependent promotionRead MoreBureaucracy Of Bangladesh : An Important Part Of The Government Essay1270 Words  | 6 Pagesincrease the public value in the Public sector. Bureaucracy in Bangladesh: Bangladesh a country which gained independence in 1971, as a result of a great war in which millions of people gave away their lives. Since then the bureaucratic system in Bangladesh is gradually changing. In terms of reforming and upgrading, bureaucracy of Bangladesh has become a more complex, highly expanded hierarchical system and more. The government of Bangladesh has a complicated structure. Here many civil servants workRead MoreBureaucratic Culture Of Bangladesh Bureaucracy Essay1710 Words  | 7 PagesBureaucratic culture in Bangladesh Bureaucratic culture refers how bureaucracy works in a country . In Bangladesh bureaucracy origins after the Independent of Bangladeshi Bureaucracy. It is a actually the British style bureaucracy. British dominated 1947 Indian sub- continent become Independence. But Bangladesh didn’t get the Pakistan after British then Pakistani bureaucracy was enforced in Bangladesh. We gain freedom in 1971 from Pakistan But our bureaucracy system remain as before Actually southRead MoreThe Presence of Corruption in Bangladesh 1471 Words  | 6 PagesCorruption is found everywhere in the world, but the less developed nations are found to be more corrupt. In Asia, Bangladesh is one of the most corrupt nations. Ever since the independence of this South Asian nation it has been fraught with instability and corruption. As new nation Bangladesh has to face various political and economic issues. Patronage networks, military coups and civil violence are the few issues that ruin the political system of this nation. Much of the political instability hasRead MorePolitical Instability And The Decision Making Process Of Foreign Direct Investment Essay1746 Words  | 7 PagesRisky: 1) Political instability: Political factors play a great role in the decision making process of foreign direct investment. A country with high political unrest or instability has more risk and uncertainty, making it less attractive for investment. The fast growing potential economy of Bangladesh has repeatedly faced significant political challenges over the last few years. Relations between the two major parties in Bangladesh are poor and the political system remains confrontational andRead MoreGovernment Of The United National Convention On Against Corruption1257 Words  | 6 Pagesrecent trend for Bangladesh government. The government of Bangladesh has taken significant steps to fight corruption in the country. These steps include the institutional reforms, accession to the United National Convention on Against Corruption (UNCAC) and adoption of new legislations. According to Transparency International (2011), despite of the high level of corruption in the country the citizens are appreciating the steps taken by the government towards fighting corruption in the country. HoweverRead MoreGovernment And State And Government Essay1597 Words  | 7 Pagesa two sides of a coin. Some political thinkers do not make any distinc tion between state and government. As a state Bangladesh has experienced different types of government since 1971 including democracy and military government. None of the experience is good for the people of the state. As a form of government democracy has some advantages and also some disadvantages. But in a country like Bangladesh you mostly have to suffer the demerits of democracy. Many political thinker defined â€Å"State†in different
Monday, December 9, 2019
Business Law Of Cloud Finance Inc Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Business Law Of Cloud Finance Inc. Answer: This agreement of sale was formed between Cloud Finance Inc. and Outstanding Financial Success located in Toronto, Canada. Both the parties formed a partnership as one company buys computers and the other sells. The contract was formed as both the parties were interested in the new financial forecasting software. This software was not sold commercially but the internal tests show how accurate it is. Few of the problems were to be worked out but the software will be ready for use by the end of December. The contract was made on a consideration of $150.000 US. The policy of Cloud Finance, a corporation of USA is to propose a warranty of 30 days for functioning of the software. However, it was not prepared to make any promise or commitments as to the accuracy of its projections since it is a new product. Financing the product is a way to publicize the deal. Keeping in mind that it is a start up company, promoting the product will be a good way to grab the attention of the public and it will therefore be profitable for Cloud Finance Inc. It must be promoted in such a way that the public gets convinced on the fact that the software will be ready for commercial use by the end of December. Cloud Finance Inc. that is the corporation of California should ensure the public that are persuaded. For doing so, the 30 days warranty of the companys policy on the functioning of the software should be marketed and promoted. As mentioned before, financing is also a possibility but it requires the ability to assign it to a financing company. The deals must be publicized with the help of advertisements and other media so that it can get the attention of the public in order t o make it profitable. Representing the Californian Corporation of Cloud Finance Inc. needs to convince their partner Outstanding Finance Success which is a Canada based company for forecasting the new software. Since the consideration was $150.000, the startup should be focusing on promoting the products of the new software that will be put to commercial use by the end of December. The agreement of sale was being constituted at the beginning of the year. Cloud Finance Inc. is the selling company of computers therefore it should have the ability to assign it to a financing company. To make the company profitable, it should make the public aware of the benefits of this new software that will be used for commercial purposes. However, contract is a risk management tool that should be formed between two parties. The consequences of the contract or the potential problems can only arise if one of the parties breaches the contract. Breach of the contract will make the contract get terminated since the contract will not be considered as completed. The agreement formed between the two parties Cloud Finance Inc. and Outstanding Financial Success should be a valid one.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Legalize Drugs Essays - Drug Control Law, Drug Culture,
Legalize Drugs? Should Drugs Be Legalized? For several decades drugs have been one of the major problems of society. There have been escalating costs spent on the war against drugs and countless dollars spent on rehabilitation, but the problem still exists. Not only has the drug problem increased but drug related problems are on the rise. Drug abuse is a killer in our country. Some are born addicts while others become users. The result of drug abuse is thousands of addicts in denial. The good news is the United States had 25,618 total arrests and 81,762 drug seizures due to drugs in 1989 alone, but the bad news is the numbers of prisoners have increased by 70 percent which will cost about $30 million dollars. Despite common wisdom, the U.S isn't experiencing a drug related crime wave. Government surveys show between 1980 - 1987 burglary rates fell 27 percent, robbery 21 percent and murders 13 percent, but with new drugs on the market these numbers are up. One controversial solution is the proposal of legalizing drugs. Although people feel that legalizing drugs would lessen crime, drugs should remain illegal in the U.S because there would be an increase of drug abuse and a rapid increase of diseases such as AIDS. Many believe that legalizing drugs would lessen crime. They point out that the legalization of drugs would deter future criminal acts. They also emphasize and contrast Prohibition. When the public realized that Prohibition could not be enforced the law was repealed. Drug Legalization. Since the prohibition of marijuana in 1965 there has been sparked a new heated controversy over the legalization and/or decriminalization of this and other banned substances. Many politicians and lawmakers as well as philosophers, doctors, students, etc. have weighed the facts and opinions and have come to a decision on which side of the fence to sit on. he arguments either for or against the legalization of drugs seem to stem from two main focuses of thought. These two main ideas are that of consequentialism and deontology. Consequentialism is defined as the position that an action is right if it has good consequences and wrong if it has bad consequences. On the other side, is deontology, the position that believes that actions are right or wrong in themselves, regardless of their consequence. An easy way to simplify these definitions is to think about how these two thoughts would apply to murder. A deontologist would believe that murder is wrong simply because it is the taking of another's life, that the intrinsic value of murder is bad so thus ?murder is bad?. A consequentialist on the other hand would look deeper at the motive and consequence of the murder, then form an opinion from there. Looking past the intrinsic value of it, what if the one person that was murdered, was killed because he had a bomb that was going to kill 300 people? If believing in this channel of thought, one might conclude that this one sacrifice of life saved 300 others, thus the overall outcome is good, so the action was right. any classical as well as contemporary philosophers maintain opinions and ideals that can be classified as either consequentialist or deontological. Classical philosophers such as John Stuart Mill and John Milton, along with more modern writers like Milton Friedman and Ethan A. Nadelmann are all examples of consequentialist thinkers. On the deontological side of the coin reside such well-known purveyors of classical thought as Aristotle and Edmund Burke, along with contemporaries like William J. Bennett and James Q. Wilson. The two main ideas of thought held by the two divisions of these gentlemen have a great deal to do with their positions on the legalization of drugs. It is important to keep in mind that while the opinions of Friedman or Bennett, for example, are known because of their writings and expression of these opinions, we are only assuming at this point what an older philosopher, like Aristotle for example, would think about the controversy. The deontologist way of thought would conclude that the use of illegal substances is a bad thing and should be banned from usage by authority. Aristotle for example believed that the job of government was to
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
ORDINARY MEN by Christopher Browning
HIST 2306 E Book Abstract: ORDINARY MEN by Christopher Browning Ordinary Men by Christopher Browning accounts for the actions of the German Order Police ( more specifically the actions of Reserve Police Battalion 101in Poland) and the role they played in the Second World War during the Jewish Holocaust. Police Battalion 101 was composed of veterans from World War One and men too old to be drafted into the regular forces: army, navy, air force. Browning himself is uncertain of the accuracy of information that he provides because he based his study on personal testimony recorded in postwar legal investigations. This also offers a biographical profile of a German unit that consisted of approximately 500 men who in the sixteen months starting in July of 1942 participated in the slaughter of more than 80,000 jews. Between August of 1942 and May of 1943 the accounts of the number of jews deported from their homes was estimated at a minimum of 45,200 men women and children as well as an estimated minimum of 38,000 jews shot and killed betwee! Browning's book is very well written and researched to an exhaustive point. His intent seems to be a focus on the activities of German Police Battalion 101, however this is not the case. Early into the book he seems to go too much into detail about the activities of other police units and it isn't clear if they are attached to Battalion 101 or if they are simply separate police units used as examples to describe the actions that Battalion 101 would be engaging in that they failed to mention during the war crime inquiries . This leads the reader to get lost in the whole of events taking place. On the other hand, the book is well written and very detailed and researched. The reading flows well and Browning keeps his readers interested. The book has an almost novel like feel to it. According to Dennis Noble's review of Browning's book in the Library Jo
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Face It Writers Make Less Now
Face It Writers Make Less Now If you are in this business full-time, and attempt to keep up with the pace of the current publishing paradigm, you cant help but feel depressed. Writers make less now than a decade ago. And no, it does not appear to be a temporary slump. Writers in Canada make less than in 1998 Authors incomes collapse to abject levels We can argue the reasons why, but I see it as two-fold: Treasure in hand 1) Everybody can publish today. 2) Readers have become accustomed to deals, so the average cost of a book has seriously declined. Nobody pays $25 for a hardback anymore. Not when a reader can grab an ebook for $1.99. But writers tend to be their own worst enemy. It feels better to sell 1,000 books for $.99 each than 100 for $9.99. We think were more powerful at that 1,000 number, but what weve failed to see is that weve driven our reputation down to a level thats hard to recover from. Yes, I understand you can have one-day and two-day offers. I understand Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Countdown Deals attract lower priced sales. But with most writers pricing down their material, we all earn less. And with so many writers in the mix, we all sell less. My own publisher talks about how publishers across the board are earning less, which drives them to promote individual authors less, no longer provide print ARCs, and decrease advances. On the freelance front, $1/word was once the professional rate. When FundsforWriters was started, I scolded writers for accepting less than 20 cents/word. Today thats decent pay. Writing mills came into the picture, making new writers think they could gather experience doing click rate writing. Then people started writing internationally, and writers from some countries easily underbid writers in others. One So whats an author to do? 1) Write steadily and often. The prolific writers makes more money no matter the pay. 2) Stand firm for a respectable wage. Turn down bad offers. Set your floor. 3) Dont settle for a lesser publisher. Hold out for a reputable publisher or learn to self-publish and consider making your own success. 4) Be unique in your promotion. Do not use the mass promo offers everyone else uses. 5) Promote daily, a little at a time, but dont sound like the next guy. The slow-but-sure mentality wins this race, and its a darn marathon for sure. But there are sneakers and training programs for those marathons, and they await you. You just have to decide to put them on.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
General Concepts and Variables Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
General Concepts and Variables Assignment - Essay Example . Read the examples of studies that have then in the email addresses or search in a newspaper or magazine a report of a study and answer the following questions. Internet usability Purchase Online Travel a. Research question Is there gender differences in web usability criteria? b. Research Questions Do the majority (82%) prefer specialized web sites compared to traditional Agencies when informing and purchasing travel notes in Spanish network? c. Population and sample Population is Internet users (Men and women using the internet) d. Say if it is an example of descriptive and inferential statistics. Purchase online travel is an example of inferential statistics The internet usability case is an example of inferential statistics 3. Select which of the following options can be defined as variable: a. The number of women enrolled in Sec 4 of Mat210 Not a variable b. The grade point average of the students of the USC Variable
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Caveolin protein Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Caveolin protein - Essay Example l of three (3) variants known as the caveloin-1 (CAV-1), caveolin-2 (CAV-2), and caveolin-3 (CAV-3) (Gussak and Antezelevitch 234; Williams and Lisanti). CAV-1 and CAV-2 can be found in most cells whereas CAV-3 can be found in muscle cells of the heart (Yuan, Garcia and Hales 275). Having a complete sequence status, the size of amino acid length of CAV-1 is 178 (UniProtKB). As a 21- to 24-kDa protein, CAV-1 is composed of 16 amino acids longer than CAV-2 and additional N-terminal 27 amino acids as compared to CAV-3 (Fielding 177). CAV-1 has two variants known as CAV-1ÃŽ ± (contains amino acid tyrosin 14) and CAV-1ÃŽ ² (does not contain the â€Å"first 31 amino acid present in CAV 1ÃŽ ±) (Mercier, Jasmin and Lisanti 18). Both CAV-1ÃŽ ± and 1ÃŽ ² can be found in the lungs whereas CAV-1ÃŽ ² can be found in the epithelial cells (Yuan, Garcia and Hales 275). With regards to internalization of the material, Garcia and Hales (275) explained that CAV-1 can be phosphorylated in â€Å"Rab4-labelled, Rab5-labelled or the early endosome antigen-1-labelled compartments which then subsequently move to the Rab11-associated compartment†. Tang, ZhaoLan, Philipp E. Scherer, Takashi Okamoto, et al. "Molecular cloning of caveolin-3, a novel member of the caveolin gene family expressed predominantly in muscle." Journal of Biological Chemistry 271.4 (1996):
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Attachment Theory and Child Essay Example for Free
Attachment Theory and Child Essay An attachment is a two-way emotional bond in which people depend on each other for their sense of security. Although we forma attachments through out our lives, psychologists are particualry interested in the attachments formed between a child and his/her primary caregiver.1 This essay will examine the role of attachment in childhood and it’s subsequent formation of relationships. Most babies of mammals exhibit the same patterns as human infants; they seek proximity to the mother and react with anxeity on seperation from her, which is the essense pf attachment behaviour. John bowlby believed that attachment was an innate pattern and it helped infants to survive. Bowlby had observed how baby monkeys reacted with distress on sepearation from their mother for a brief period. The mother and baby both called for each other. This shows that attachment is essential for survival however, it can be argued that research relating to animals cannot be generalised to humans. Bowlby’s theory of attachment is that children have a biological need to attach to their main caregiver as attachment helps serve the purpose of survival. The emotional relationship provides the infant with a set of expectations about relationships which stays with the child throughout life; this is known as the internal working model, and is a pattern for relationships the child may have in the future. If the child experiences love and affection, he/she will come to see him/herself as worthy of love and attention. This is the child’s working model as Bowlby sees it. The working model will determine the child’s relationship with other people and the way the child sees him/herself in the future. On the other hand, if the child experiences neglect or rejectionthey may develop a working model that is based on denial rather than on reality. Such a working model may contribute negatively to the the mental health of the child and the quality of their relationships with others in the future. Mary Ainsworth was a US psychologist who operationalised Bowlby’s concept so that it could be tested empirically. She devised an experimental procedure called the stange situation, which resulted in the classificatin of attachment patterns. In the strange situation an observer shows the caregiver and child into a room and then leaves. The caregiver watches the child play and a stranger soon enters the room. The stranger sits silently at first then talks with the caregiver and then tries to interact with the child. The caregiver leaves the room. This is he first seperation between the caregiver and the child. While the caregiver is absent the stranger continues trying to interact with the child. The caregiver returns and is reunited withnthe child. The stranger then leaves the room and the caregiver follows leaving the child alone. This is the second seperation. The stranger enters the room and once again tries to interact with the child. The caregiver returns for a second reunion and the stranger leaves. The findings resulted in the classification of three attachment types discussed below. Attachment type A, avoidant, is when the child shows apparent indifference when the caregiver leaves the room, and avoids contact when the caregiver returns. The child is apparently not afraid of strangers. Mothers of type A children tend to be insensitive and do not seem interested in their child’s play. Attachment type B, securely attached, is when the child is upset when the caregiver leaves and is happy to see the caregiver return. The child is easily comforted by the caregiver. The mothers of type B children are very intersted in their child’s play and actively support and communicate with the child during play. Attachment type C, ambivalent is when the child is very upset when the caregiver leaves the room, however, the caregiver finds it difficult to sooth the child when they return. The child seeks comfort but at the same time rejects it. mothers of type C children are inconsistent in their reactions to their children. Ainsworth concluded that the primary caregiver’s behaviour determines the attachment type of the child. A sensitive primary caregiver leads to a securely attached child. Insecure attachment will lead to problems in later life. Jerome Kagan (1982) suggested that innate differences in children’s temperaments influence how the environment interacts with them. Another impact on attachment is the family circumstances that a child is part of. A childs socio-economic environment has a major impact on the attachment type the child has. If a family is hit by povery the child may not recieve the necessary support and this could lead to a change in the attachment type. A risk factor in the development of mental health seems to be a lack of formation of attachment to important people during childhood. According to Goldberg (2000), the method is a unique combination of experimental and clinical methods. He he finds it a well standardised procedure which allows for natural interactions. Lamb (1985) claims that this widely used methodology is highly artificial and extrememly limited in terms of the amount of information gathered, and that it fails to take into account the mother’s behaviour. Marrone (1998) finds that although the strange situation has been criticized for being stressful-and therefore unethical- it is modelled on normal everyday circumstances when the caregiver must leave the infant for brief periods of timein different circumstances. However, it can be argued that exposing children to stress in experimental situations can be very different to everyday life. Van ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg (1988) carried out a major review of 32 world wide studies, involving eight countries and over 2000 infants. They found that there are differences within cultures in the distribution of types A,B and C. For example, Japanese studies showed complete absence of type A, but a high proportion of type C. There sems to be a pattern of cross-cultural differences, so that type B is the most common cross-culturally. Type A is reletively more common in Western European countries, and type C is reletively more common in Japan. He differences has been associated with differences in child-rearing. The results of these studies indicated that if we want valid interpretations of the strange situaton in a cross-cultural setting, we need to have good knowlege about child rearing. The cross-cultural validity of the strange situation methods of assesing attachment and the meaning of the classification classifications themselves has been questioned. The meaning of the strange situation has been challenged, in that it focuses on o the measurement of the attachment in terms of the infants reaction to the seperation and the subsequent reunion with the caregiver. It does not take into account that the meaning of seperation may differ across cultures. Japanese children are rarely seperated from their primary caregivers and so the seperation may be a very unusual situation for the child. this may mean something completely different to Japanese mothers and children than to American infants and mothers. Bowlby’s internal working model assumes that although the model can be modified, it remains relative;y stable throughout the lifespan. Hazen and Shaver (1987) were one of the first researchers to explore Bowlby’s attachment theory in relation to adult romantic relationships. They found the attachment theory a valuable perspective on adult love because it could explain both positive and negative emotions. Hazen and Shaver translated Ainsworth’s three attachment styles to make them suitable for adult relationships. Then they devised a â€Å"love quiz†in a local newspaper and ask respondents to indicate which of the three patterns best described their feelings toward romantic relationships. A self selected sample of 620 people, aged 14-82 years, responded to the love quiz. The mean age was 36 years. There were 205 males and 415vfemales. A second study used a sample of 108 college students. The researchers found that 60% of the respondants showed a secure attachment style and 20% showed the anxious ambivalent pattern, and 20% showed the anxious avoident pattern. The research also asked the respondents to describe their parent’s parenting style. People who were seecurely attached had said their parents were responsive and attentive, people who were anxious-ambivalant had rejecting and inattentive parent. Hazen and Shaver theorised that romantic love shares important similarities with early attachment relationships. They also found that differences in adult attachment wre related to how people felt about themselves. Although the researchers found some correlation between parenting style and attachment paterns, they went against drawing too many conclusions as this would be deterministic. In fact, it seems that as people get older, they are more likely to to be able to develop their own outlook and approach to life. The study was ased on a self selected sample and can therefore not be representative. Self report data is not always reliable, and since the study was carried out in the western world it cannot be generalised to everybody across different cultures. It can be seen through the strange situation that majority of infants are likely to develop an attachment type B, although, it is largely dependant on factors such as temperment, socio-economic factors, and parent styles. In addition, it can also be seen that the attachment style developed as a child can have a large impact on the attachment style involved in the formation of subsequent parent relationships.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Subliminal Advertising :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework
Subliminal Advertising 1.) On television, a common technique to influence a viewer is to flash messages or images for so little time, that it almost seems like a flicker that really never happened. Ways that this has been used is by flashing images that are pleasing to the eye, like a flashy color, or maybe even a picture with sexual innuendo. The cheapest technique, usually used by people, like car salesmen, is to ask the viewer a string of questions, which we all know will have the answer "yes." By doing this, the commercial gets you ready to agree with any pitch they are trying to make you buy. 2.) A more cunning way to make you buy a product is to brainwash your emotions, questioning yourself, "Would I be a bad person if I do not by this product?" For instance, the people that would like you to donate money to the sick, hungry children is some run-down village. They show you pictures of babies crying, adults with hardly any meat on their bones. The commercial then claims that by your donation, you can save a life, but if you do not, you're letting a life die. This technique is an effective way, but I believe that there are some ethics involved in purposely tampering one's emotions. 3.) A technique usually described as using "buzz words" is found more in print than on television or radio. If we are scrolling through a newspaper and we see an exciting flashy word, our eyes tend to draw towards it. Companies are entirely aware of this, so that’s why they flash words on their ads like, "FREE," "NEW," "HURRY." Something about these words makes us want to see what the fuss is all about, and to read the company's ad. Now when you do read the ad, there will be "buzz words" embedded into the ad that do not even look flashy. It is always words that do not actually have any significant meaning, but they are added in anyways. For example, words like, homemade, improved, 100%, tasty, just to name a few. 4.) Michael Jordan is selling you Gatorade, Jerry Seinfeld is backing up American Express, and Paul Reiser wants you to use AT&T. Why do these famous stars appear on commercials and ads? The purpose is to subliminally give the product traits that it never even deserves, like wealth, fame, and success.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
My most successful writing experience Essay
Every individual would have someone they look up to, a role model that would help shape and mould them into becoming a better person. If I am in any way a better person then I was, I owe this to my late father. It is indeed because of him, I am who I am today. He knew my every flaw yet he saw the good in me. I was indeed my daddy’s little girl and always wanted to remain that way. I saw a friend in him and not just a father figure. In him I could confide and be open just about anything. He gave me everything one could possibly ask for, not just material but guidance and advice. He had always tried to make me into a better person, never failing to support my dreams and ambitions. One thing I am grateful for is that he always made me feel that I was the best gift he has ever received from God and that taught me to make others feel appreciated. My father taught us godliness till the day he died. He believed in forgiveness and being humble. Through him, I have also learnt to be optimistic in everything and that no matter how bad things may seem, there is light at the end of the tunnel. With him being gone, the only thing that consoles me is that I am lucky I had a great father like him unlike other unfortunate children who never had parents. Upon finishing high school, I made a list of colleges that I was planning to enroll into and frankly, Segi College wasn’t top five. But the moment I stepped foot into the campus, I cannot describe how much I love being here. My first few weeks of college have been pretty amazing; my classes are interesting, my lecturers are laid back and the feeling here is incredible! My first impression of college was that it was going to be a lot like high school, except that there would be more work and assignments of course. I was expecting that coursework would be insanely difficult and would be impossible to complete. However, I have handed in a few tasks on time and trust me, there is no better feeling than handing in an assignment that you have been slaving on for a while! I am looking forward to meeting new people in class and joining clubs that the college has to offer. It is harder to make friends in college because people do not really talk to each other but I am sure if I open up a little bit and swallow my pride I will make friends much easier. I believe that the next four years will really be the best years of my life. I remember that day, and why it was so dark and melancholy. Everyone spoke in silence, some had tears in their eyes that even a smile given was only to condole one another. Being the oldest child, I was to give a eulogy at my daddy’s funeral and despite having many good things to say about him, I was dumbstruck. I sat in my room, with paper and pen in my hand, gazing aimlessly across the room until a little blue book caught my eye. There it was, sitting on my desk, my journal which has been a habit of mine ever since I could remember. I would write a lot, out of joy, of anger, of sorrow and even out of boredom. I picked it up and flipped through the pages. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. In it, I had bittersweet memories of my daddy, the ones that could make me laugh or even frown. It was almost like an entire Facebook timeline of my life with his presence in it. I could hear the pastor calling out for the funeral service to begin. Instantly, I started scribbling my eulogy on the piece of paper. I suddenly knew what to say. Silently, I thanked my journal. It may not be the best reading material but it was definitely one I am thankful for and proud of. The one that taught me, keeping a note on the smallest things in life might be a blessing in the future.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave: The Experience of Reality Essay
The Allegory of the Cave In the Allegory of the Cave it is explain how reality is different for everybody. Not all of us have the same view of what reality is, most of us believe in what we see and that is the reality we know and the one we believe in. In this allegory we hear the story of prisoners who are chained in a cave just looking at a wall in front of them, behind them there is a fire and between that fire and them there is way, here is where people pass by and when this happens, the prisoners are able to see their shadows and this, for them is the reality. Then a prisoner is freed, and he is allow to go out of the cave and see the real world, here is where they learn that the shadows are not at all the reality, they learn more things about the world and then he goes again into the cave to tell his friends but they don’t believe this, because they only see him as a shadow and the stories they heard from him they are not even able to hear them. I believe that everybody has a different point of view of what reality is; everybody has their own theory of how they see life and how they experience it. In my opinion I think that most people believe that reality is what they see and that there is nothing else beyond that, but of course there are people that believe there is something beyond than what we see.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Market Indicators
Standard and Poor’s 500 stock index Unlike the Dow Jones industrial average, the Standard and Poor’s 500 stock index (S&P 500) is a value-weighted index. The S&P 500 index is usually considered the benchmark for U.S. equality performance. It represents seventy percent of all U.S. publicly traded companies. Part of the index’s popularity is due to its close association with the largest mutual fund in the world, the Vanguard 500 Index Fund, and Spiders, the first exchange traded fund. As the name suggests, the S&P 500 consists of 500 companies from a diverse range of industries. Contrary to a popular misconception, the S&P 500 is not a simple list of the largest 500 companies by market capitalization or by revenues. Rather, it is 500 of the most widely held U.S.-based common stocks, chosen by the S&P Index Committee for market size, liquidity, and sector representation. "Leading companies in leading industries" is the guiding principal for S&P 500 inclusion. A small number of international companies that are widely traded in the U.S. are included, but the Index Committee has announced that only U.S.-based companies will be added in the future. The S after all, it represents approximately 70% of the value of the U.S. equity market. The listed companies are highly diverse, spanning every relevant portion of the U.S. economy. The S&P 500 index also tends to be the default when people discuss "index funds," since index funds based on other indexes were not widely available until recently. Although it is a reliable index, it has its weaknesses. The index is comprised primarily of U.S.-based companies. The S&P 500 also has significant liquidity requirements for its components, so some large, thinly traded companies are ineligible for inclusion. And because the index gives more weight to larger companies, it tends to reflect the price movement of a fairly small number of stocks. Value Lin... Free Essays on Market Indicators Free Essays on Market Indicators Standard and Poor’s 500 stock index Unlike the Dow Jones industrial average, the Standard and Poor’s 500 stock index (S&P 500) is a value-weighted index. The S&P 500 index is usually considered the benchmark for U.S. equality performance. It represents seventy percent of all U.S. publicly traded companies. Part of the index’s popularity is due to its close association with the largest mutual fund in the world, the Vanguard 500 Index Fund, and Spiders, the first exchange traded fund. As the name suggests, the S&P 500 consists of 500 companies from a diverse range of industries. Contrary to a popular misconception, the S&P 500 is not a simple list of the largest 500 companies by market capitalization or by revenues. Rather, it is 500 of the most widely held U.S.-based common stocks, chosen by the S&P Index Committee for market size, liquidity, and sector representation. "Leading companies in leading industries" is the guiding principal for S&P 500 inclusion. A small number of international companies that are widely traded in the U.S. are included, but the Index Committee has announced that only U.S.-based companies will be added in the future. The S after all, it represents approximately 70% of the value of the U.S. equity market. The listed companies are highly diverse, spanning every relevant portion of the U.S. economy. The S&P 500 index also tends to be the default when people discuss "index funds," since index funds based on other indexes were not widely available until recently. Although it is a reliable index, it has its weaknesses. The index is comprised primarily of U.S.-based companies. The S&P 500 also has significant liquidity requirements for its components, so some large, thinly traded companies are ineligible for inclusion. And because the index gives more weight to larger companies, it tends to reflect the price movement of a fairly small number of stocks. Value Lin...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Tips for Writing an Art History Paper
Tips for Writing an Art History Paper You have been assigned an art history paper to write. You would like to finish your assignment on time with a minimum of stress, and your instructor fervently hopes to read an engaging, well-written paper. Here are some dos and donts to guide you, written by an art history professor who has graded thousands of these papers ranging from the superlative to the good, the bad and the phenomenally ugly. Choose a Topic You Love Look through an art history book, slowly and leisurely.Look through our list of art history topics for ideas. Good starting points are our lists of movements, artists bios, and image galleries.Pick a topic based on eye appeal and compelling personal interest. Fill Your Brain with Information Remember: a car works on gas, a brain works on info. Empty brain, empty writing.Research your topic using websites, books, and articles.Read the footnotes in the books and articles - they can lead to creative thinking. Be an Active Reader Ask yourself questions while you read and look up what you cant find or dont understand on the page.Take notes.Search the internet with the words, names, titles you learn.Write down interesting facts and thoughts that come to mind while you read. Writing Your Introduction Compose a thesis statement. Declare that you have noticed something about the art, building, artist, architect, critic, patron, or whatever your focus is for your analysis.Then, frame your thesis. Tell your reader about discovering information that can help us understand the work of art/building better. (For example, the French artist Paul Gauguin moved to Tahiti late in life. Your thesis analyzes his late paintings in terms of his Tahiti lifestyle. Youve read his biography, Noa, Noa and other sources for ideas to support your thesis.)If you are focusing on artworks, remember to put the artists name/artists names, the title(s) of the work(s) and the date (s) in the first paragraph. You can refer to the title(s) alone thereafter. Describe and Point Out What You Want the Reader to Notice If you are going to include the artists/architects biography, begin with a short summary. Unless your paper is a biography of the person, most of your paper should be about art, not life.Make sure your arguments are constructed in a parallel fashion: Establish a sequence of information.Consider the paragraph a unit of information. Each paragraph should discuss one topic within the quantity of information you plan to cover.Ideas for units of information or topics: appearance, medium and technique, narrative, iconography, history, artists biography, patronage, etc. - whatever will help you support your thesis.Iconography might require more than one paragraph, especially if your whole paper is about analyzing the iconography of a work of art.Write about the connections between what you described in these analyses and what you declared in the thesis statementFollow the same sequence of ideas for the second artwork, building, artist, architect, critic, patron, etc.Follow the same sequence for the third artwork, building, artist, architect, etc. When you have analyzed all the examples, synthesize: compare and contrast.Comparison: Dedicate one paragraph to discussing what is the same about the artworks, the building, the architects, the artists, the critics, the patrons, etc.Contrast: Dedicate one paragraph to discussing what is different about the artworks, the building, the architects, the artists, the critics, the patrons, etc. What Do You Want Your Reader to Learn from Your Essay? Reiterate the thesis.Remind your reader about your findings in a summary sentence or two.Persuade the reader that you have demonstrated that your thesis is soundly based on your findings.Optional: state that your analysis is important in terms of understanding a larger picture (but not too large). For examples, the artists other work from that period, the artists work all together, the artworks relationship to the movement or the artworks relationship to that moment in history. The connection should not open a new topic, but simply offer the reader food for thought and then declare this investigation is beyond the scope of your paper. (It demonstrates that you thought of it, but youre not going to go there.)DO NOT write that art history is wonderful and youve learned a lot. You are writing to your teacher, and s/he is tired of reading that sentence for the umpteenth time. Leave a good impression and avoid being trite. Editing Be sure to footnote/cite your sources in the body of the paper when you use information or an opinion from a book, article, website, etc.Make a list of your sources at the end of the paper. Follow your teachers instructions and/or visit a website on citation style or bibliography style. Ask the teacher which citation style s/he prefers.Check for the following:Titles for works of art should be in italics: The Birth of VenusFirst and last names begin with a capital letter. Exceptions include place and familial indicators including da, del, de, den and van, among others, unless the last name begins the sentence. (Van Gogh lived in Paris.)Months and days of the week begin with a capital letter.Language, nationalities and country names begin with a capital letter.Leonardo is not called da Vinci. Above All Do not wait until the last minute to begin your essay.Start your research after midterms.Start to write at least one week before the paper is due.Take the time to EDIT, EDIT, EDIT - be concise and clear.Ask your professor for help and advice as you write your paper - s/he will enjoy discussing the topic with you.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Professnational email Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Professnational email - Essay Example The third step involves clearly stating the reason for writing the e-mail. The sender needs to begin by telling their recipient that they are writing for a specific intention such as, â€Å"†¦I am writing to outline my response on†¦Ã¢â‚¬ or even, â€Å"†¦in line with your request, I hereby respond to the allegations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This step makes it easy for the recipient to understand the reasons for writing the e-mail without reading the entire email. This part also allows the recipient have a clear reference to previous communication with the sender. If the e-mail is a response, the sender needs to begin by thanking the recipient (Chan 22). If not, it is still important that the sender briefly appreciates the chance of writing to the recipient. Proper grammar and punctuation needs to be followed at all times. The sentences in the purpose statement must be short and very precise in their meanings. After the brief purpose statement the sender to give more details o n the contents of the e-mail with an aim to clarify their subject (Chan 63-5). The next step is the closing remarks. This part involves showing gratitude to the recipient (Chan 54). The language should be very courteous and polite. A good example is, â€Å"†¦I value your patience and hope that you will consider my remarks†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The last step is the closing section. In this section, the sender should include a suitable closing. Appropriate closing remarks for professional e-mails include â€Å"Best Regards†, â€Å"Thank you†, and â€Å"Yours sincerely†, amongst others since they are appropriate for professional e-mails (Chan 54). The sender should then include their name and signature. The signature proves the authenticity of the e-mail and should come before the sender’s name. After the writing the e-mail, it is of great essence that the sender proofreads their email to check for grammar and spelling mistakes. The sender should then read the e-mail one more time to countercheck on the structure and flow
Friday, November 1, 2019
1111786 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
1111786 - Essay Example In addition, the language records great reliability, leading to its robustness. Its widespread application in computers, cell phones, cards, and other devices also emphasize its importance as a programming tool. Therefore, in comparison to other computing languages, java possesses more benefits that the current society needs to rely on for further advancement. In comparison to other technologies, java accounts for an enormous portion of the growth of many internet based businesses, since its introduction in 1995. It serves as the most popular programming language worldwide as millions of people utilize it in different types of computer applications. In relation to C++ and visual basic, java records greater developer demand, making it the de facto language for most web-based services. More to these, most institutions use java in their introductory courses, which means that java possesses more demand compared to other languages. Many java advantages account for the high demand. The C++ language and other similar languages, for example, require one to write a code that explicitly releases memory for other programs to access it. Failure to write this code or writing the code wrongly leads to the development of memory leaks that slows the programs. Consequent to this, the operating system gets to run out of memory and the computer stops working. On the other hand, one does not need to release memory explicitly. Java allows memory to be freed automatically when no longer in use. This emanates from the java virtual machine that consists of a special process, known as the garbage collector. The process determines which data is still be ing used, thus maintaining it in memory, and which data is no longer in use, thus deleting it. Therefore, the java technology provides its users with a better system compared to other programming technologies. The java language also offers a high level of safety to its users compared to, such languages as C or C++. This follows from the
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Insulin Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Insulin - Term Paper Example The termination of gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis results to restoration of normal glucose levels in the blood. The action of insulin in the body is usually brief and the level blood sugar changes after the action of insulin subsides. Besides the control of blood sugar, production of insulin initiates a series of metabolic reactions that are mainly mediated by the changes in expression of over 100 genes in the body (O’Brien and Granner, 1117). One of the major effects of insulin in such physiological processes includes the regulation in the expression of genes that stimulate absorption of amino acids, metabolisms of lipids mainly in the muscles and adipose tissue. In addition, insulin affects the expression of genes used for growth, development and survival of somatic cells (Rhodes and White8) Alfred Sanger did the first sequencing of amino acids that make up insulin hormone in 1955 (BCBC 1). According to BCBC (1) insulin is the first protein to have its amino acid chain determined and sequenced. Moreover, the hormone is the first â€Å"peptide protein measured by radioimmunoassay technique†. In addition, insulin is the first hormone to be produced in microorganisms using recombinant DNA technology, a process that was successfully conducted in the 1970s. Since then, insulin produced by recombinant DNA technology has been used for treating diabetes, replacing earlier hormones that were produced from purification of insulin from animal species (BCBC1) Disruption of insulin synthesis in the body causes several physiological changes in the body. One of the major impacts of low glucose production is hyperglycemia, a medical condition characterized by an abnormal increase of glucose in the blood plasma (Steiner and James 42). Other effects include poor growth and development of the body. Diabetic patients
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Sources Of Finances Available To A Business Finance Essay
Sources Of Finances Available To A Business Finance Essay Starting and running a successful business in the current world is not easy. Due to the rising costs and falling value of stocks, consumers have been left little money to spend. This has led many investors to sell their stock at a loss or just to break even. One way of maintaining a profitable business is constantly injecting some capital into it. Below we identify the major sources of finance available to a business. Bank Overdraft This refers to a short-term credit facility that is provided to a business by the bank. It is one of the most common that a business can use to raise some to receive extra. A bank overdraft permits an account holder to withdraw more the amount of money they have in their bank account. The overdraft attracts interests on the amount overdrawn (Shaw 2011). Loan Business loans can be classified as either long term, medium or short term. Although loans are regarded as costly way of raising extra capital, it is ideal for long-term business projects such as development and expansion. Grants As a source of finance, grants are offered to businesses for services or programs that profit the local community. Grants are offered by large private firms and government agencies. Retained Profits A business can plough back some of its undistributed profits back into the business. Retained profits are the amount of money held by a business to provide financial back-up in times of need. This is acknowledged as the most ideal way of raising extra capital in business as there is no interest or extra charges incurred. Working Capital Working capital refers to the sum of money that a business has set aside meant for financing the day to day activities. Working capital is also ideal as a source of addition capital since no cost is incurred (Shaw 2011). LO1 1.2 Implications of finance as a resource The main sources of finance are credit unions, banks as well as private investors. Funds from other income streams such as rented properties and money from stock are also credible sources of cash to finance a business. Each source of finance is associated with a set of implications such as the amount that is paid as interest on a bank loan, penalties for late payments as well as other infractions set in the contract between the borrower and the lender. Although the implications might be more or less the same as those of regular banks, credit unions may however set their interest rates at a lower figure. Private Investors: The use of private investors as a way of financing a business will attract a legal agreement that is bidding to both the seller and the buyer. Although the agreement maybe at times verbal, the implication of avoiding a written legal contract between the two parties involved might be severe and one party may fail to honor their obligations. Good private investors are know not lend money to business people until they performed due diligence on the businesses (Ralph 2005). Sources of finance from dividends, sale of stock or rented properties is practical and more lucrative. However, these kind of financial sources have been associated with a number of implications. For instance, stock prices may fall drastically leaving the investor with huge losses. The solution to finding the right sources of finance is to look at the benefits and drawbacks, and come-up with the best fit for a given business loan, investment prospect and other financial needs. LO1 1.3 Appropriate sources of Finance There are so many sources of finance that a business can choose from and it therefore up to the business owner to select the most appropriate way to finance business projects. To fund that important business project, a business may seek a loan from bank as well as any other financial institution with lending services. Another appropriate method of raising the necessary finance is by requesting for a bank overdraft. Another method that has become quite popular is raising finances through venture capital. Investment specialists and merchant banks might be willing to finance fast-growing and promising business project. Venture capital is a composition of chare and loan capital. Lucrative business projects may qualify for funding and assistance through grants offered by the government and other non-governmental organizations. For instance, low interest loans and grants may be offered to business that establishes their operations in the rural areas. One of the viable ways of financing ong oing and expensive business ventures is by leasing expensive equipment. This helps the business to save a lot of money. Lastly, businesses may raise finance through trade credit. This is a short term source of finance that makes it possible for business to purchase items on credit and pay later (Incstaf 2010). LO2 2.1 costs of different sources of finance The cost associated with loans (debt financing) is interest while the cost of investments (equity financing is share of the profits or dividends. Comparing the costs for different sources of finance may involve the analysis and calculation of cost of capital. This may involve comparing the interest charges on a loan with the businesses with the total percentage of accumulated profits or retained earnings that belong to the investor. Business owners seeking loans from a number of banks should compare the payments terms and interest rates being offered. Even very little variations in the interest rate can tote up to considerable amounts over a long period of time. Unsecured Short-term loans, for example lines of credit, usually have a high rate of interest as compared to long-term secured loans such as mortgages. The fact trade credits and bank overdrafts attract high interest rates make them to be too costly (Higham 2004). The interest rate is normally dependent on the risk as well as the credit rating score of the borrower. If a business need financing for a fixed period of time mostly less than a year, it could be more suitable for the business to borrow from friends and family or set up a short term loan from a bank. As an additional cost to the business, banks may require security or collateral for the loan being secured as insurance against loan defaults. LO2 2.2 importance of financial planning Financial Planning is the practice of determining the amount of capital needed as well as the competition of the capital. The process of financial planning involves creating policies, objectives, procedures, budgets and programs concerning the financial activity in concern. Financial planning ensures the adequate and effective financial and investment policies. Some of the importances are as outlined; Financial planning guarantee the adequate utilization of funds Financial Planning assists in maintaining a reasonable stability between the inflow and outflow In addition, Financial Planning guarantees that the suppliers of funds are effortlessly investing in businesses that observe financial planning. It has also been attributed in facilitating expansion and growth programmes which assists in the long-run survival of the business. Financial Planning decreases uncertainties with respect to shifting market trends by eliminating these hindrances, financial planning helps in maintaining profitability and stability in a business (Higgins 2011). LO2 2.3: Information needs of different decision makers There are various parties keen on the information of a business. These parties can be classified as either internal or external depending on how interested they are in the business and the influence they have on the organization. They also need different forms of information and based on their requirements. Owners/ Shareholders These are internal parties of the organization and they need information for sound decision making when it comes to productivity of the firm, income belonging to shareholders, asset base of the company (net worth or payable), as well as the availability of assets (cash) for future development. Employees These are also internal parties whose purpose of acquiring information on the organization is totally different from that of its proprietors. Workers are mostly worried about their wages and other remunerations from the job and the permanence of the company for the safety of their employment. Their main areas of interest are the organizations economic information, productivity of the business and any future development plans (Suthaharan 2010). Lenders Financial institutions like banks and lenders also have a keen interest on the financial reports of the company, especially if the company wants to borrow funds for expansion or for settling operational costs. Banks are interested in gearing ratio of the organization (a form of ratio involving the loan capital and equity capital). Profitability of the firm: liquidity ratio, interest covers (capacity to offset interest charges if the loans are acquired); fixed assets foundation to obtain the information regarding the securities obtainable for the loan etc are all necessary to financial institutions. Government/ Regulatory institutions The government is interested in how much profit the company is making and if it is paying the correct tax charges for their income. The government also checks for other forms of applicable tax charges; compliance with the managerial bodies systems (bookkeeping principles, Colombo stock exchange requirements etc (Suthaharan 2010). General Public/ customers The general public is interested in knowing the operation of the firm and the stability of the employment. LO2 2.4: Impact of finance on the financial statements Presently, companies frequently smother monetary statement like the balance sheet, statement of cash flows and the income statement. Once the financial statements have been released at the end of a financial year, they may have huge impacts on the investors and other stakeholders. Hence, it is up to the company to make sure that all the information the financial statement is correct. Impact on Stock Price the stock of a company can be greatly impacted by financial statements. In making their investment decisions, several investors use financial statements to establish the viability of investing in certain stocks. The upward and downward movements of stock prices are dependent on the information presented in the statements (Stansky 2010). Financing Decisions financial statements are likely to affect the likelihood of accompany to acquire funding. If a business is attempting to take out a production loan, the lender will routinely scrutinize the financial statements of that company. Lenders are more likely to invest in businesses that have good financial statements. LO3 3.1 Analyze budgets and make appropriate decisions Once a business becomes operational, it is important tightly manage and plan its financial performance. One of the most effective methods of keeping the finances of a business on track is by creating a budgeting process. Managing, monitoring and creating a budget are important in guaranteeing the success of the business. The budget should help the business owner in allocating resources where they are required, so that the business remains successful as well as profitable. The budget process should be simple and should take into consideration what will be earned and spent in the business. Start-up businesses may run their businesses in a tranquil way and may not even require a budget. on the other hand, if a business is planning to grow and expand into the future, budgeting is one of the most effective way of managing funds and new stream of cash flows thus allowing the business owner to invest in fresh opportunities at the right time. A budget is an important planning tool that helps business in making appropriate decisions relating control of finances (Wendy 2006). LO3 3.2 calculations of unit costs and making pricing decisions A Unit cost refers to the actual cost of delivering a single unit of a product or service. The calculation of unit costs is done with the intention of providing a basis of comparing the costs of different providers of goods and services. It can be used in identifying trends that might signal variations in productivity, resources as well as the quality of services. Unit costs may be termed as the benchmark for measuring performance (Damodaran 2011). By understanding how to establish Unit costs, a business can be able to promote effective use of funds. It can provide information that can be used to improve services. The use of unit costs can help in identifying economies of scale, assist in establishing fee policies, strengthening future applications as well as informing on the contracting processes, identify economies of scale, help to establish fee policies, and strengthen future grant applications. Making pricing decision can sometimes be a tricky and hard decision. For instance, if goods and services are priced too low, the business might not be able to cover all the expenses and if highly priced, the business might not realize any sales at all. LO3 3.3 viability of a project using investment appraisal techniques In nature, different Investment opportunities and projects vary considerably. Hence, project appraisal techniques were designed to assist business managers and investors make good decisions and choose the most viable projects. The real meaning of all investment appraisals is the evaluation of the value of proposals which need financial and economic commitment of resources, by taking into consideration the costs and benefits. For any business, making bad investment decisions can end in loss of opportunities to net new investors, limited future growth and poor financial and economic performance or the disappointment of shareholders. Investment appraisal intervenes at the stage where a business plan is transformed into its corresponding financial plan and the choice to finance its execution (Hassan 2008). LO4 4.1 main financial statements In a company, there are three major financial statements namely; the balance sheet-which is a report of a companys assets, liabilities and stockholders equity as at a given time. Then there is the income statement which simply is a record of a companys revenues and expenses during a certain financial period. The last major financial statement is the cash flow statement (commonly known as the statement of cash flows). This statement provides information on the changes that have occurred a companys cash and cash equivalents during the similar period income statement (Leigh 2012). LO4 4.2 formats of financial statements for different types of business The income statement of a manufacturing business is different from that of a retail store. In this income statement (manufacturing), the first line is occupied by gross income followed by the subtraction of goods manufactured. This results to gross income. The second portion of the income statement records all expenses that are linked administrative, general and selling costs. This is again subtracted from gross income to disclose operating income (Steiner 2012). For smaller businesses and companies, the business may maintain very simple balance sheet but for large companies, the balance sheet is broken down into current assets and liabilities and long-term assets and liabilities. Several businesses use the accrual basis of accounting. This implies that they will identify income received from a sale after the sale has been completed and not essentially when the cash is received. LO4 4.3 financial statements and Ratio A ratio is an expression of a relationship between two or more quantitative variables. On the other hand, financial ratios show the interrelationships between different elements in the financial statements. The analysis of financial ratios involves determining a standardized connection between figures showing up in the financial statements as well as using those relationships known as ratios to evaluate the business financial performance and position. A number of techniques have to be used in ensuring that financial statements of different businesses have been simplified and made compatible. Such method may incorporate the use of great tools for example common sized financial statements and ration analysis. Financial ratios fall in one of the four classes, namely; liquidity (current ration, quick ration), profitability (return on assets, return on equity), investor (Earning per share) and long-term or risk (asset turnover, asset receivable turnover ratio) (Loth 2011).
Friday, October 25, 2019
Comparing Dziga Vertovs Film, Man with a Movie Camera and Run Lola Run
Comparing Dziga Vertov's Film, Man with a Movie Camera and Run Lola Run " The main and essential thing is : the sensory exploration of the world through film. We therefore take as a point of departure the use of the camera as a keno-eye, more perfect than the human eye, for the exploration of the chaos of visual phenomena that fills space." - Dziga Vertov , Manifesto The Council of Three (1923) The innovative theories and filmmaking techniques of Dziga Vertov revolutionized the way films are made today. Man With a Movie Camera (1929), a documentary that represented the peak of the Soviet avant-garde film movement in the twenties, displayed techniques in montage, creative camera angles, rich imagery, but most importantly allowed him to express his theories of his writings of Kino-eye (the camera). The film has a very simple plot that describes an average day in Russia, yet the final pieces of this film emerge a complex and fast-paced production that excites the audience. Vertov's ability to use radical editing techniques with unconventional filming to present ordinary things has inspired many directors around the world. And still now modern avant-garde movies apply many of these same techniques to dramatize simple and complex stories. Vertov was one of the greatest innovators of Soviet cinema in the post WWI era. During this time, the freedom to make films was limited due to low stock of supply. Vertov and his colleagues had to be very creative and innovative if they were going produce anything at all. 'The Kuleshov Workshop', a workshop class at the Moscow Film School led by Lev Kuleshov included famous Soviet filmmakers like Vsevolod Pudovkin and Sergei Eisenstein, but excluded Vertov. This is significant to the ... ...ught to life these ideas on a new level in Run Lola Run, which glorifies the camera's results with movement in every frame. Run Lola Run feeds the kino-eye with collision, contrast, and conflicting scenes, which make the film a huge success in giving the audience a new type of story with suspense, comedy and drama. Works Cited Bordwell, David (1972a) Dziga Vertov: An Introduction. In: Film Comment 8,1, pp. 38-45 Denkin, H., "Linguistic Models in Early Soviet Cinema." Cinema Journal XVII / 1, Fall 77; p.1-Lynton, Norbert, The Story of Modern Art, Oxford: Phaidon Press Limited, 1980 Mast, Gerald, Kawin Bruce F., A Short History Of The Movies. Allyn & Bacon, 2000. Vertov, Dziga, Kino-eye: The Writings of Dziga Vertov / edited with an introduction by Annette Michelson; translated by Kevin O'Brien. Berkeley, CA.: University of California Press, c1984.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
My Three Key Stages of Life Essay
Everyone has their own key stages of life. They are the most important parts of your life. Mine, is of course when I was born, kindergarten and when I was in Primary 6. Why are they the most important for me? Well, it is all written here, in this essay. Like most of the babies in the world, I was born a healthy baby. Soon enough, I learnt how to crawl, walk, eat, run, and many other things. By the time I finished learning all those, I was already a toddler. It was one of the most important parts of my life. When I was born, I was the heaviest among my siblings and me. As I looked through all my baby photos, I realized I have changed a lot. Though I don’t recall much stuff, the only memories I had as a toddler were two nightmares. Time flies really fast. In the blink of an eye, I was in kindergarten. I studied in â€Å"Bukit Panjang Methodist Church Kindergarten†. I was excited on the first day of school. All those years, I really enjoyed going to school. It was when classes were much more fun with games and interaction between the teachers and students. I remembered during P.E. lessons the students will play in a playground, while a few were chosen to play with a big tub of water. And when the teacher starts to pick people to play with the water, the class usually will get chaotic. The best memory I had was when I celebrated my birthday in school. It was the best birthday present ever. A few years later, I entered primary school. It’s just an ordinary neighborhood primary school, â€Å"Bukit Timah Primary School†. Then it happened. Primary School Leaving Examination dates. Those dates were the dates where I had mixed emotions. They were the dates where I worked my entire primary school life for. It was the most crucial moments. My life depends on it. Whether I will get into a good or a bad school, all depends on those dates. Once you step into that examination hall, there’s no turning back. It wasn’t as bad as I thought. Though the papers were hard, I managed to complete them and the results I got were higher than I expected them to be. I remember during the day the results were out, many students cried when they saw their results. Some were tears of joy, some were tears of sorrow. Well, for me, I didn’t really cry. I only cried after I saw my best friend cried tears of happiness. I cried tears of joy too.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Piers Plowman
Elyssa-Beth Bender British Literature Dr. Zeiger 14 March 2013 William Langland: Piers Plowman The life of William Langland is a mystery. There is very little known about the man who wrote the Middle English, alliterative poem known as Piers Plowman. I did gather that he was born in the West Midlands around 1330 and may have died in 1386 (William Langland). Though much not can be found on Langland’s life, one can infer that he had many different life experiences in which he may drawn from to write Piers Plowman (Calabrese 123).Whether one looks at the elegant trial of Lady Meed at the King’s court, to impoverished life lived on Piers Plowman’s half-acre. Also the narrator in Piers Plowman seems to indicate that Langland may have been exposed to a higher education (Calabrese 123). There are three different versions of Piers Plowman, known as the A-text, the B-text, and the C-text The A-text is the earliest and shortest of the three versions and is about 2,400 line s long (Greenblatt 297). The B-text is an revision of the A-text in which the original 2,400 lines are still there but turned into a 4,000 line piece of work.During my reading of the B-Text, I found that it was more poetic in its form (Greenblatt 297). What I also found was that the C-text was almost a full revision of the B-Text with not much more added. The A-text seemed to be written in 1370 while the B-text. The C-text may have been written in 1381 during the â€Å"Peasants Revolt of 1382†(William Langland). The opening lines let the reader know what to expect: a man named Will on a religious quest that is set in a dream-like, vision state. He wakes up in Field Full of Folk in the opening scene.It is quite obvious to the reader that Will is a very righteous man as he is described to be wearing â€Å"shroudes as [he] a sheep were, / In habite as an heremite unholy of werkes. †(line 124). This indicates that Will is in clothes made of sheepskin, a symbolic meaning to The Lamb (Calabrese 4). However, it could also make the reader conclude that he may also be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The uncertainty is loathsome. The reader might think, â€Å"Is he good or evil? Will he hurt or help? †(Calabrese 124).The phrase, â€Å"unholy of werkes†seems like Will could be evil, but by the end of the poem, we see that it meant that spiritually Will was only just a child and needed to mature. In continuation with this idea, in the prologue of Piers Plowman, Will is born metaphorically into his vision and faith. In the first passus, Will is confronted by a female named, Holy Church and becomes quickly engaged in learning how to be a good Christian (line 153). Holy Church represents a holy and pure church that is uncorrupted by man (Daegman 274).She is vital for teaching Will the basics of Christianity. I found that her presence was the best way to teach Will the holy and pure way to be a Christian untouched by the corrupt hands of man . She also teaches Will that the body and soul are in constant struggle for power. Holy Church explains that Will must find the balance between physical self and spiritual self lead by the soul; what may be good for one may not be good for the other(line 209). Will must learn at this point what moderation is. Moderation is a vital step of self-control and awareness in Piers Plowman.Will is now faced with a few new characters named, Kynde Wit, who tells him the way of common sense; Reason, who tells him what reason and moderation mean; and Truth expects Will he must be truthful in speech, work, and intent of the heart and soul (700-1235). Before Will could fully comprehend what Truth meant, he need to find out what truth is not: falsity or the character â€Å"Falseness†. After meeting with these characters Will had learned everything they could instill upon him. However, since Will is in a dream-like, vision state, he fears that he will not have the capability to make the righ t decision with his own free will.In his early education with Holy Church, she fails to explain what Falseness means for Will. However in the story of Lady Meed, concept is explained (line 1456- 1729), Lady Meed seems to be the bastard daughter of Falseness and about to be wed to Fals Fikel-tonge (line 1464). â€Å"Whore of Babylon in Revelation,†she is described as, with her magnificent scarlett, silk robes (1468). Lady Meed represents the corruptive influence of money, bribery, prostitution, and is found in every aspect of society. In this story of Lady Meed, she represents good use of money.However, since Lady Meed can be used by anyone, she often falls into the wrong hands and used for corrupt purposes. Lady Meed’s marriage to Fals Fikel-tonge is ceased by Theology, who pursues that the King is the one who should decide whom Lady Meed marries (1475). In the royal court, Lady Meed and her follower voyage off to London at the expense of men of legal authority. The K ing calls upon Conscience for his advice. At this point he swears he will have nothing to do with the evil, wickedness of Lady Mead and her fate is left to the courts (1509). With the advice of Concscience, the King decides to find out what kind of person Lady Mead is.The King decides that the best thing for Lady Mead was to marry Conscience to know where the line is drawn between right and wrong (1534). Though the King’s intentions were in good reason, Lady Mead was known to be easily corrupted. The King believed Conscience was the perfect mate to control Lady Mead and make her submissive to his good morals. However, Conscience explained to the King that this would not be possible because though his morals were pure and righteous, he would soon eventually be consumed by the power of Lady Mead (1547). Since Lady Mead can be easily used by anyone, she os quickly corrupted by those around her.She is accused of corrupting the pardoners who forgive the sins of the common (not of the clergy) people. As we recall back to Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, Pardoners of this time were very ill-willed men who would only accept money and power to pardon the sins of people. This corruption is said to be the work by the hands of Lady Mead. In this part of Piers Plowman, It is the responsibility of the character Penance to steer Will away from the ill-will and corruption of Lady Mead’s influence on the pardoners’ business (1609). Before a marriage with Conscience, Lady Mead discusses her character.While she shows him all the wonderful aspects of her existence, Conscience reminds her of her malevolent ways (1613). It is clear to the King that Conscience is right, however the King is blinded by Lady Mead’s conveyed character of good will. At this point, the King orders Conscience to give her a kiss on the forehead, which is to signify there to be peace between the two characters (1645). However, Conscience would not give her a kiss of peace unless Reason was summoned to asses the pros and cons, essentially, of the situation (1647-49) . The King, a benevolent creature, decides to honor the request of Conscience and summon Reason.The King decides to bring Wrong to the court to defend Lady Mead and convince the King his ways are correct (1664-1672). He believes he should be allowed to bribe his way out of the charges of rape, murder, and theft. Reason snaps back at this and urges for hard punishment to be inflicted on Wrong. The King, swept up by all these testimonies, decides in favor of Reason and Conscience, whom were selected to be his counselors. Wrong is punished and the King’s eyes are now open to Lady Mead’s benevolent aspects. He is no longer naive. At this point, the King’s court has flourished since Conscience and Reason became his advisors.Holy Church explains to Will that Conscience and Reason are two things that every person has within them on some level. She also explains that th e King is not a character that is based on royal heritage. The King is a being that represents the challenges that every common man faces (Burrow 318). Explained even further in an article by J. A Burrow every man faces the challenges of Right and Wrong, and often seeks to find Conscience and Reason in their lives. At this point, the scene fades into the Field Full of Folk once again as Will wakes up and then falls asleep shortly after.Next, Will is confronted with the character of Reason who fashions the wardrobe of a clergymen. He urges Will to repent (2573). After urging Will to confess his sins, he brings out the Seven Deadly Sins. This section of the story where Reason speaks to each of the seven and teaches Will that if he lives with The Seven Deadly Sins in his life, he will never find salvation. The next section starts with the Will waking up briefly from the vision and reflecting on his experience so far. However, our dreamer, Will quickly falls back into his dream. In this next part of his holy vision quest, he enters upon the Feast of Patience ( 2798-2906).Seven people attend the Feast, Conscience, Clergy and his wife, Scripture, Patience, Will, and The Master of Divinity. The food was simple and elegant which was to show will what penance means (Burrow 319). Later in the poem,Will is though of as a fool (3015-3016). At this point of Will still being a foolish man, he is intorduced to Anima, who tells Will the importance of putting into action all that he has learned (3025-3120). Anima prepares Will for a vision of the Tree of Charity. In a vision conveyed to Will by Piers Plowman himself, a tree is an image of fallen humanity.Piers Plowman is said to be represented as Jesus (Burrow 320). There are three kinds of fruit: human souls of wedlock, widowhood, and virginity, and it is supported by three planks. The three planks have been explained to will as the Holy Trinity (Greenblatt 399). However the Tree being threatened by Covetise, who is the Fiend of Flesh. The tree represents the tree that bore the fruit of knowledge, much like the fruit referenced in Genesis. The tree contains knowledge that is not to be consumed by man. However, in this section of Piers Plowman, The Devil is pursuing Covetise to extract fruit from the tree for evil intentions.Toward the end of the poem, Will goes to mass on Easter Sunday and, during the middle of mass, falls asleep and dreams of Piers Plowman. Piers is identified this time as the eucharistic host at the moment of consecration during the Mass when the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ (Greenblatt 399). The mystery of the Body and blood of Christ is mysterious to Will as he cannot understand at what point these common items become holy. The answer is conveyed appearance of Piers before the people. Will turns to Conscience for an explanation of the mystery.Conscience recalls the life of Jesus by explaining the sacrament. The miracle at Cana involves the changing of water int o wine, a type of wine turning into blood in the Eucharist. Thus, the Three Lives are put into the perspective of the ministry of Christ, and the message is clear: it is impossible to do well, do better, and do best without divine grace, and this grace is available to all through the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and penance(Burrow 380) . If Dowel is the sacramental wine, Dobet is the eucharistic bread, as it is paralleled to the miracle of the loaves and fishes (Greenblatt 399).That Piers is granted the power of binding and unbinding sins reflects back upon the early association of Piers and the Good Priest (Daegman 7) . Piers is a variation of Peter, suggesting the apostle and first pope. Piers remains behind after the Ascension, and it is to him that Grace gives the four evangelists and the four church leaders (3321-3364). Piers is known to be Jesus Christ whom is a part of the eternal, divine Church. Noticeably, the forces of Pride wait to attack until Piers until he has featured once more at the end of Piers Plowman. By the end of the poem there are no good clergy. (Daegman 8).The Barn of Unity that Grace tells Piers to build is another image of the whole Christian community (3433-3457). However, since the Tree of Charity is under constant threat, so is the Barn of Unity. Covetise and Pride try to confuse Conscience with their so that he can not tell the difference between a Christian and a dark worshipper. Conscience advises the Christians to leave the area to find safely form the the malevolent qualities (3458-3465). Events turn dark for Will and is in need of consulting Need. It can be a humbling factor, but it can also be a convenient excuse for doing what one wants to do rather than what one ought to do.Will falls asleep after being reproached by Need and dreams of the coming of Antichrist. Conscience consults Kynde, Old Age, and Death. Though Will has become an old man, he manages to keep somewhat in good humor. His appearance has changed dra matically. He has become bald, deaf, toothless, and a bit incompetent due to his old age. During this last part of Piers Plowman, Will is confronted by the inevitable character named Death (3502- 3696). As Will’s time is coming to an end, he begs Kynde for him to spare him. Kynde advises Will learn what love is (3757) . This could be compared to what Holy Church told Will in the first section.Though Piers Plowman is a lengthy alliterative poem, it ends considerably curtly. Conscience vows to undertake another quest, this time to find Piers Plowman, and he calls upon Grace for help. Then the Dreamer simply wakes up and that is the end. I found that the ending lines of the poem had no emotion to it. I was not able to feel if Will felt like his total experience was positive or negative. Will’s attitude does seem to show the slightest bit of positivity as he learns to find what it means to be a Christian and learns the value of good morals. Piers Plowman is a series of jou rneys in a dream-like vision in search for answers.The narrator named Will goes from one higher authority to another. However, as the quests move along, the main point of the journey changes. The quest was originally to find how a Christian is expected to live, however, as time goes on it becomes about finding a way to do the best and be the best one can be (Daegman 273). When the poem finishes, Will is faced with yet another quest. this indicates to the reader that a Christian’s search for salvation is eternal (Daegman 273). Works Cited Burrow, J. A. The Ending Lines in Piers Plowman. Notes & Querles (2012). vol. 59 Issue 3, p 316-400. Academic Search Complete.Web. 9 Feb. 2013. Calabrese, Michael. Piers Plowman: A Parallel-Text Edition of The A,B,C, And Z Versions. Journal of English & Germanic Philogy. (2012): vol. 35 issue 12 127-130. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15 Feb. 2013. Deagman, Rachel. The Formations of Forgiveness in Piers Plowman. Journal of Medieval & Early Mo dern Studies (2010). vol. 40 issue 2 p. 273-97. Academic Search Complete. Web. 12 Feb. 2013. â€Å"William Langland†Encyclopedia Britannica. Britannica Online Web. 27 Feb, 2013 Greenblatt, Stepehn. â€Å"William Langland:Piers Plowman†The Norton Anthology English Literature vol. A. New York 397- 408. Piers Plowman Elyssa-Beth Bender British Literature Dr. Zeiger 14 March 2013 William Langland: Piers Plowman The life of William Langland is a mystery. There is very little known about the man who wrote the Middle English, alliterative poem known as Piers Plowman. I did gather that he was born in the West Midlands around 1330 and may have died in 1386 (William Langland). Though much not can be found on Langland’s life, one can infer that he had many different life experiences in which he may drawn from to write Piers Plowman (Calabrese 123).Whether one looks at the elegant trial of Lady Meed at the King’s court, to impoverished life lived on Piers Plowman’s half-acre. Also the narrator in Piers Plowman seems to indicate that Langland may have been exposed to a higher education (Calabrese 123). There are three different versions of Piers Plowman, known as the A-text, the B-text, and the C-text The A-text is the earliest and shortest of the three versions and is about 2,400 line s long (Greenblatt 297). The B-text is an revision of the A-text in which the original 2,400 lines are still there but turned into a 4,000 line piece of work.During my reading of the B-Text, I found that it was more poetic in its form (Greenblatt 297). What I also found was that the C-text was almost a full revision of the B-Text with not much more added. The A-text seemed to be written in 1370 while the B-text. The C-text may have been written in 1381 during the â€Å"Peasants Revolt of 1382†(William Langland). The opening lines let the reader know what to expect: a man named Will on a religious quest that is set in a dream-like, vision state. He wakes up in Field Full of Folk in the opening scene.It is quite obvious to the reader that Will is a very righteous man as he is described to be wearing â€Å"shroudes as [he] a sheep were, / In habite as an heremite unholy of werkes. †(line 124). This indicates that Will is in clothes made of sheepskin, a symbolic meaning to The Lamb (Calabrese 4). However, it could also make the reader conclude that he may also be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The uncertainty is loathsome. The reader might think, â€Å"Is he good or evil? Will he hurt or help? †(Calabrese 124).The phrase, â€Å"unholy of werkes†seems like Will could be evil, but by the end of the poem, we see that it meant that spiritually Will was only just a child and needed to mature. In continuation with this idea, in the prologue of Piers Plowman, Will is born metaphorically into his vision and faith. In the first passus, Will is confronted by a female named, Holy Church and becomes quickly engaged in learning how to be a good Christian (line 153). Holy Church represents a holy and pure church that is uncorrupted by man (Daegman 274).She is vital for teaching Will the basics of Christianity. I found that her presence was the best way to teach Will the holy and pure way to be a Christian untouched by the corrupt hands of man . She also teaches Will that the body and soul are in constant struggle for power. Holy Church explains that Will must find the balance between physical self and spiritual self lead by the soul; what may be good for one may not be good for the other(line 209). Will must learn at this point what moderation is. Moderation is a vital step of self-control and awareness in Piers Plowman.Will is now faced with a few new characters named, Kynde Wit, who tells him the way of common sense; Reason, who tells him what reason and moderation mean; and Truth expects Will he must be truthful in speech, work, and intent of the heart and soul (700-1235). Before Will could fully comprehend what Truth meant, he need to find out what truth is not: falsity or the character â€Å"Falseness†. After meeting with these characters Will had learned everything they could instill upon him. However, since Will is in a dream-like, vision state, he fears that he will not have the capability to make the righ t decision with his own free will.In his early education with Holy Church, she fails to explain what Falseness means for Will. However in the story of Lady Meed, concept is explained (line 1456- 1729), Lady Meed seems to be the bastard daughter of Falseness and about to be wed to Fals Fikel-tonge (line 1464). â€Å"Whore of Babylon in Revelation,†she is described as, with her magnificent scarlett, silk robes (1468). Lady Meed represents the corruptive influence of money, bribery, prostitution, and is found in every aspect of society. In this story of Lady Meed, she represents good use of money.However, since Lady Meed can be used by anyone, she often falls into the wrong hands and used for corrupt purposes. Lady Meed’s marriage to Fals Fikel-tonge is ceased by Theology, who pursues that the King is the one who should decide whom Lady Meed marries (1475). In the royal court, Lady Meed and her follower voyage off to London at the expense of men of legal authority. The K ing calls upon Conscience for his advice. At this point he swears he will have nothing to do with the evil, wickedness of Lady Mead and her fate is left to the courts (1509). With the advice of Concscience, the King decides to find out what kind of person Lady Mead is.The King decides that the best thing for Lady Mead was to marry Conscience to know where the line is drawn between right and wrong (1534). Though the King’s intentions were in good reason, Lady Mead was known to be easily corrupted. The King believed Conscience was the perfect mate to control Lady Mead and make her submissive to his good morals. However, Conscience explained to the King that this would not be possible because though his morals were pure and righteous, he would soon eventually be consumed by the power of Lady Mead (1547). Since Lady Mead can be easily used by anyone, she os quickly corrupted by those around her.She is accused of corrupting the pardoners who forgive the sins of the common (not of the clergy) people. As we recall back to Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, Pardoners of this time were very ill-willed men who would only accept money and power to pardon the sins of people. This corruption is said to be the work by the hands of Lady Mead. In this part of Piers Plowman, It is the responsibility of the character Penance to steer Will away from the ill-will and corruption of Lady Mead’s influence on the pardoners’ business (1609). Before a marriage with Conscience, Lady Mead discusses her character.While she shows him all the wonderful aspects of her existence, Conscience reminds her of her malevolent ways (1613). It is clear to the King that Conscience is right, however the King is blinded by Lady Mead’s conveyed character of good will. At this point, the King orders Conscience to give her a kiss on the forehead, which is to signify there to be peace between the two characters (1645). However, Conscience would not give her a kiss of peace unless Reason was summoned to asses the pros and cons, essentially, of the situation (1647-49) . The King, a benevolent creature, decides to honor the request of Conscience and summon Reason.The King decides to bring Wrong to the court to defend Lady Mead and convince the King his ways are correct (1664-1672). He believes he should be allowed to bribe his way out of the charges of rape, murder, and theft. Reason snaps back at this and urges for hard punishment to be inflicted on Wrong. The King, swept up by all these testimonies, decides in favor of Reason and Conscience, whom were selected to be his counselors. Wrong is punished and the King’s eyes are now open to Lady Mead’s benevolent aspects. He is no longer naive. At this point, the King’s court has flourished since Conscience and Reason became his advisors.Holy Church explains to Will that Conscience and Reason are two things that every person has within them on some level. She also explains that th e King is not a character that is based on royal heritage. The King is a being that represents the challenges that every common man faces (Burrow 318). Explained even further in an article by J. A Burrow every man faces the challenges of Right and Wrong, and often seeks to find Conscience and Reason in their lives. At this point, the scene fades into the Field Full of Folk once again as Will wakes up and then falls asleep shortly after.Next, Will is confronted with the character of Reason who fashions the wardrobe of a clergymen. He urges Will to repent (2573). After urging Will to confess his sins, he brings out the Seven Deadly Sins. This section of the story where Reason speaks to each of the seven and teaches Will that if he lives with The Seven Deadly Sins in his life, he will never find salvation. The next section starts with the Will waking up briefly from the vision and reflecting on his experience so far. However, our dreamer, Will quickly falls back into his dream. In this next part of his holy vision quest, he enters upon the Feast of Patience ( 2798-2906).Seven people attend the Feast, Conscience, Clergy and his wife, Scripture, Patience, Will, and The Master of Divinity. The food was simple and elegant which was to show will what penance means (Burrow 319). Later in the poem,Will is though of as a fool (3015-3016). At this point of Will still being a foolish man, he is intorduced to Anima, who tells Will the importance of putting into action all that he has learned (3025-3120). Anima prepares Will for a vision of the Tree of Charity. In a vision conveyed to Will by Piers Plowman himself, a tree is an image of fallen humanity.Piers Plowman is said to be represented as Jesus (Burrow 320). There are three kinds of fruit: human souls of wedlock, widowhood, and virginity, and it is supported by three planks. The three planks have been explained to will as the Holy Trinity (Greenblatt 399). However the Tree being threatened by Covetise, who is the Fiend of Flesh. The tree represents the tree that bore the fruit of knowledge, much like the fruit referenced in Genesis. The tree contains knowledge that is not to be consumed by man. However, in this section of Piers Plowman, The Devil is pursuing Covetise to extract fruit from the tree for evil intentions.Toward the end of the poem, Will goes to mass on Easter Sunday and, during the middle of mass, falls asleep and dreams of Piers Plowman. Piers is identified this time as the eucharistic host at the moment of consecration during the Mass when the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ (Greenblatt 399). The mystery of the Body and blood of Christ is mysterious to Will as he cannot understand at what point these common items become holy. The answer is conveyed appearance of Piers before the people. Will turns to Conscience for an explanation of the mystery.Conscience recalls the life of Jesus by explaining the sacrament. The miracle at Cana involves the changing of water int o wine, a type of wine turning into blood in the Eucharist. Thus, the Three Lives are put into the perspective of the ministry of Christ, and the message is clear: it is impossible to do well, do better, and do best without divine grace, and this grace is available to all through the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and penance(Burrow 380) . If Dowel is the sacramental wine, Dobet is the eucharistic bread, as it is paralleled to the miracle of the loaves and fishes (Greenblatt 399).That Piers is granted the power of binding and unbinding sins reflects back upon the early association of Piers and the Good Priest (Daegman 7) . Piers is a variation of Peter, suggesting the apostle and first pope. Piers remains behind after the Ascension, and it is to him that Grace gives the four evangelists and the four church leaders (3321-3364). Piers is known to be Jesus Christ whom is a part of the eternal, divine Church. Noticeably, the forces of Pride wait to attack until Piers until he has featured once more at the end of Piers Plowman. By the end of the poem there are no good clergy. (Daegman 8).The Barn of Unity that Grace tells Piers to build is another image of the whole Christian community (3433-3457). However, since the Tree of Charity is under constant threat, so is the Barn of Unity. Covetise and Pride try to confuse Conscience with their so that he can not tell the difference between a Christian and a dark worshipper. Conscience advises the Christians to leave the area to find safely form the the malevolent qualities (3458-3465). Events turn dark for Will and is in need of consulting Need. It can be a humbling factor, but it can also be a convenient excuse for doing what one wants to do rather than what one ought to do.Will falls asleep after being reproached by Need and dreams of the coming of Antichrist. Conscience consults Kynde, Old Age, and Death. Though Will has become an old man, he manages to keep somewhat in good humor. His appearance has changed dra matically. He has become bald, deaf, toothless, and a bit incompetent due to his old age. During this last part of Piers Plowman, Will is confronted by the inevitable character named Death (3502- 3696). As Will’s time is coming to an end, he begs Kynde for him to spare him. Kynde advises Will learn what love is (3757) . This could be compared to what Holy Church told Will in the first section.Though Piers Plowman is a lengthy alliterative poem, it ends considerably curtly. Conscience vows to undertake another quest, this time to find Piers Plowman, and he calls upon Grace for help. Then the Dreamer simply wakes up and that is the end. I found that the ending lines of the poem had no emotion to it. I was not able to feel if Will felt like his total experience was positive or negative. Will’s attitude does seem to show the slightest bit of positivity as he learns to find what it means to be a Christian and learns the value of good morals. Piers Plowman is a series of jou rneys in a dream-like vision in search for answers.The narrator named Will goes from one higher authority to another. However, as the quests move along, the main point of the journey changes. The quest was originally to find how a Christian is expected to live, however, as time goes on it becomes about finding a way to do the best and be the best one can be (Daegman 273). When the poem finishes, Will is faced with yet another quest. this indicates to the reader that a Christian’s search for salvation is eternal (Daegman 273). Works Cited Burrow, J. A. The Ending Lines in Piers Plowman. Notes & Querles (2012). vol. 59 Issue 3, p 316-400. Academic Search Complete.Web. 9 Feb. 2013. Calabrese, Michael. Piers Plowman: A Parallel-Text Edition of The A,B,C, And Z Versions. Journal of English & Germanic Philogy. (2012): vol. 35 issue 12 127-130. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15 Feb. 2013. Deagman, Rachel. The Formations of Forgiveness in Piers Plowman. Journal of Medieval & Early Mo dern Studies (2010). vol. 40 issue 2 p. 273-97. Academic Search Complete. Web. 12 Feb. 2013. â€Å"William Langland†Encyclopedia Britannica. Britannica Online Web. 27 Feb, 2013 Greenblatt, Stepehn. â€Å"William Langland:Piers Plowman†The Norton Anthology English Literature vol. A. New York 397- 408.
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