Thursday, December 26, 2019
Gender Norms And Enforcing Gender Stereotypes On Society
The issue of gender norms and enforcing gender stereotypes on society, especially young people and children, is an important problem that must be combatted. This issue causes many problems in children as they are pressured to stick to the status quo and do what others define as the right way of living. Although there are many aspects of society that contribute to this problem, such as sexism, bullying, and peer pressure against all genders, specifically, the harmful stereotypes that are upheld in today s society and how they affect young people is a great problem (boundless). There is an extreme difference in how society views and treats children based on their gender and it can be difficult for a boy who likes to play with dolls or a girl who enjoys racing cars to find a way to enjoy these things without facing opposition from other children or even their parents or siblings (boundless). While girls are encouraged to play with things associated with femininity, dolls, kitchens and p lay dress-up games, boys are pushed into items associated with masculinity, race cars, sports and games that glorify war (the Atlantic). Many adults attempt to affect the way that children think or act by raising them according to their beliefs and refusing to allow them to explore other options (boundless). This is commonplace, especially in societies where stereotypes are rigidly upheld, as in some Arab countries. It can be extremely harmful for girls and boys to try to break free of theseShow MoreRelatedTelevision Shows Influence On Gender Roles Essay912 Words  | 4 Pagesbiological sex, however how we choose to perform our gender is up to us (Eckert and McConnell- Ginet). In the case of television shows, how characters perform their genders is up to the script writers. Media, specifically television shows, plays a sizable role in creating and enforcing gender norms because of its wide range of influence. Many popular television shows tend to exaggerate gender roles by making actors either overplay or underplay the gender that goes with their assigned sex. While the actionsRead MoreThe Theory And Contemporary Issues1069 Words  | 5 Pagesqualities that society tends to associate with either being masculine of feminine. For things like hair color or choice of style this seems harmless. But in reality, the extent of using constant associations can be quite harmful. Associations contribute to what society recognizes nowadays as-- gender roles and stereotypes. They influence how people think, speak and interact on a daily basis with one another. Thus, gender norms were actually created by society (Gardner, 2015). Gender based roles haveRead MoreGender Roles In Same Sex Relationships885 Words  | 4 PagesHowever, isn’t it ridiculous to impose gender roles on couples? Today many gay couples are victims of people imposing gender roles upon them, and if you answered yes to the above question. Isn’t it still ridiculous to do this within a same-sex relationship? In this point in time, we as humans are struggling with redefining positions in history, such as; gender roles upon gay couples, and author Stephen Mays builds this claim in his article, What about Gender Roles in Same-Sex Relationships? It’sRead More`` Eat Like A Man, Man : The Advertisement For Their New Texas Double Whopper Burger1473 Words  | 6 Pagestheir new Texas Double Whopper burger. This brief but influential advert left its viewers wondering whether their diet was masculine or feminine. Within the advertisement, Burger King establishes a theme of power and masculinity, promoting gender roles and stereotypes while belittling the feminist movement through making a mockery of it. The theme of masculinity and power is very apparent within the ad as throughout the entire video, a group of mainly muscular men unite in order to satisfy their manlyRead MoreSex, Gender, And Gender847 Words  | 4 PagesThe meaning of sex and gender is often thought of as the same thing, when in fact it the meanings between these two words are different. Sex is the characteristics that are set apart from male and female. The characteristics include primary sex traits related to the reproductive system such as: hormones, chromosomes, the genitalia, and various other ways. However, the secondary sex traits that are not directly based on the reproductive system. These secondary traits consist of characteristics suchRead MoreGender Roles And Its Effects On Society1405 Words  | 6 PagesGender Roles In Todays Society Are Due To Nurture Society today places many ideals when it comes to proper behaviours regarding gender roles. These are considered societal norms that are widely debated and controversial. Society has created a norm, which encompasses specific expectations and rules that change the daily lives of men and women, giving them specific tasks and behaviours to abide by. These standards are known as gender roles, which are defined as distinguishing actions, thoughts, andRead MoreGender Stereotypes And Objectification Of Women888 Words  | 4 Pagesby discussing overarching themes, in particular, gender stereotypes and objectification of women. Then I will analyze the photos from an intersectionality perspective and its importance. In addition, I will self-reflect about how gender, sex, and sexuality influence my life and how my beliefs have been challenged over the semester. Finally, I will conclude my paper with ways, in which, we can make social change, so we can reduce gender stereotypes. Themes There were two major overarching themesRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen1544 Words  | 7 Pagesbeen questions generated on the gender roles of the society. Expectations can differentiate upon the behaviors and attitudes that affect men and women within those societies. In A Doll’s House, the gender roles match those that are consistent to the real world expectations of women’s rights. Henrik Ibsen, author of A Doll’s House, uses his play to represent the traditional gender roles of the time and even go further in depth to explain the reality of it all. Gender roles are supposed to be the wayRead MoreParent Keep Child s Gender Secret Essay1445 Words  | 6 PagesSex is a hot topic to society. According to many, the biological makeup of a person determines one’s gender and personal lifestyle. While girls are supposed to like ballet and wear pink, boys are supposed to play with trucks and like sports. What people like and what they do is determin ed by their gender, but most of this assumptions are based on one’s sex. The expectations that society has of how people are supposed to dress and act could be different if their sex was not something to worry aboutRead MoreThe Relationship Between Gender Identities And Social Identities1442 Words  | 6 Pagesrelationship between gender identities and social identities. I look at many different areas of research into these two topics and then relate to how that effects the inequality or equality of gender. I will also look at the ways in which girls dis-identify with feminism and why? As well as looking at how girl’s ambitions have changed since the 1970’s. I also look at why men may be just as suppressed as women by society and its norms and values. The connection between gender and social inequalities
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Political Corruption in Bangladesh Essay - 3158 Words
Political Corruption in Bangladesh In this paper I will explain how corruption in Bangladesh works, shedding light on a practice that has long kept most people wondering about who is on whose payroll and who owes whom for what. In order to do this without confusing anyone first I will explain a little about the country of Bangladesh. Next I will define corruption and explain the forms it takes, as well as why certain individuals choose to practice corruption. Finally the paper will obviously talk about corruption in Bangladeshi government and business. Bangladesh emerged as its own country in 1971 when Bengali East Pakistan seceded from its union with West Pakistan (The World Fact Book). This double union emerged in 1947 (The†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Political infighting inside the nation has also slowed progress toward economic growth†, states the World Fact Book (The World Fact Book). â€Å"Bangladesh is also armored with many military branches including: army, navy, air force, coast guard, and many different parliamentary forces†states the World Fact Book due to political unrest around that area (The World Fact Book). â€Å"Bangladesh’s main trading partners are the United States, Japan, and South Korea with the countries GDP of 151 billion US dollars†last year according to the World Fact Book (The World Fact Book). Bangla, the seventh most used language in the world is spoken by over 99% of the countries people (The World Fact Book). â€Å"Rural society in Bangladesh generally consists of a village with multiple families, with a complete of incomplete extended household living in the home†declares the University of Texas online (The Roots). This means most families have a large house with uncles, aunts, and grandparents all living together. The University of Texas online also added, â€Å"Although most of these people are farmers, parents now days encourage their children to leave the overcrowded country and find more secure employment in the city†(The Roots). According to a recent poll taken by t he Ministry of Planning’s Bureau of Statistics, 47 % of the rural population is below the poverty line, and 62% ofShow MoreRelatedThe Current Situation Of Bangladesh1095 Words  | 5 PagesBackground: Bangladesh is a unitary parliamentary republic with an elected parliament called Jatiyo Sangshad. It gained its independence from Pakistan in 1971 and has, since then, seen alteration of civilian and military regimes. After the independence, the new state endured poverty, famine, political turmoil and military coups. The current situation in Bangladesh is embedded in the history and political situation of the country. In 2001, when the Awami League lost the elections to the Bangladesh NationalistRead MoreThe Anti- Corruption Of Bangladesh1510 Words  | 7 PagesSince the independence, Bangladesh has achieved commendable progresses in terms of socio-economic and governance. Corruption is still a major obstacle towards development and good governance. There have been several institutions in the country established to fight corruption in the country. The Bureau of Anti-Corruption (BAC) was established in 1957, during which Bangladesh was East Pakistan. This bureau was the first institution established to fight corruption. Corruption was identified as a crimeRead MoreAdministrative Corruption Is Now A Buzzword For The Current Era Essay1360 Words  | 6 PagesAdministrative corruption is now a buzzword for the current era. It differs from country to country as it’s effects are varying on the basis of socio economic and political structure and the proportion of a nation’s growth. It makes a public or, private organisation untrustworthy and increase nullification negligence and in society. Corruption has been the problem belonging ever since from the human civilisation.Corruption is not a new phenomenon Bangladesh. It got heavily engaged with the administrativeRead MoreMax Weber s Theory Of Bureaucracy Essay1135 Words  | 5 Pagesrender services. In the context of Bangladesh, some major problems that create bureau-pathology are identified here. †¢ Bureaucracy in Bangladesh suffers due to politicization of administration, mass promotion and transfer, usually under political consideration. This deprives many qualified candidates and breedsdiscontent among the bureaucrats. (Khan, 2012) . And being demotivated and discontent they reduce their output, some resort to corruption. Not only political affiliation dependent promotionRead MoreBureaucracy Of Bangladesh : An Important Part Of The Government Essay1270 Words  | 6 Pagesincrease the public value in the Public sector. Bureaucracy in Bangladesh: Bangladesh a country which gained independence in 1971, as a result of a great war in which millions of people gave away their lives. Since then the bureaucratic system in Bangladesh is gradually changing. In terms of reforming and upgrading, bureaucracy of Bangladesh has become a more complex, highly expanded hierarchical system and more. The government of Bangladesh has a complicated structure. Here many civil servants workRead MoreBureaucratic Culture Of Bangladesh Bureaucracy Essay1710 Words  | 7 PagesBureaucratic culture in Bangladesh Bureaucratic culture refers how bureaucracy works in a country . In Bangladesh bureaucracy origins after the Independent of Bangladeshi Bureaucracy. It is a actually the British style bureaucracy. British dominated 1947 Indian sub- continent become Independence. But Bangladesh didn’t get the Pakistan after British then Pakistani bureaucracy was enforced in Bangladesh. We gain freedom in 1971 from Pakistan But our bureaucracy system remain as before Actually southRead MoreThe Presence of Corruption in Bangladesh 1471 Words  | 6 PagesCorruption is found everywhere in the world, but the less developed nations are found to be more corrupt. In Asia, Bangladesh is one of the most corrupt nations. Ever since the independence of this South Asian nation it has been fraught with instability and corruption. As new nation Bangladesh has to face various political and economic issues. Patronage networks, military coups and civil violence are the few issues that ruin the political system of this nation. Much of the political instability hasRead MorePolitical Instability And The Decision Making Process Of Foreign Direct Investment Essay1746 Words  | 7 PagesRisky: 1) Political instability: Political factors play a great role in the decision making process of foreign direct investment. A country with high political unrest or instability has more risk and uncertainty, making it less attractive for investment. The fast growing potential economy of Bangladesh has repeatedly faced significant political challenges over the last few years. Relations between the two major parties in Bangladesh are poor and the political system remains confrontational andRead MoreGovernment Of The United National Convention On Against Corruption1257 Words  | 6 Pagesrecent trend for Bangladesh government. The government of Bangladesh has taken significant steps to fight corruption in the country. These steps include the institutional reforms, accession to the United National Convention on Against Corruption (UNCAC) and adoption of new legislations. According to Transparency International (2011), despite of the high level of corruption in the country the citizens are appreciating the steps taken by the government towards fighting corruption in the country. HoweverRead MoreGovernment And State And Government Essay1597 Words  | 7 Pagesa two sides of a coin. Some political thinkers do not make any distinc tion between state and government. As a state Bangladesh has experienced different types of government since 1971 including democracy and military government. None of the experience is good for the people of the state. As a form of government democracy has some advantages and also some disadvantages. But in a country like Bangladesh you mostly have to suffer the demerits of democracy. Many political thinker defined â€Å"State†in different
Monday, December 9, 2019
Business Law Of Cloud Finance Inc Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Business Law Of Cloud Finance Inc. Answer: This agreement of sale was formed between Cloud Finance Inc. and Outstanding Financial Success located in Toronto, Canada. Both the parties formed a partnership as one company buys computers and the other sells. The contract was formed as both the parties were interested in the new financial forecasting software. This software was not sold commercially but the internal tests show how accurate it is. Few of the problems were to be worked out but the software will be ready for use by the end of December. The contract was made on a consideration of $150.000 US. The policy of Cloud Finance, a corporation of USA is to propose a warranty of 30 days for functioning of the software. However, it was not prepared to make any promise or commitments as to the accuracy of its projections since it is a new product. Financing the product is a way to publicize the deal. Keeping in mind that it is a start up company, promoting the product will be a good way to grab the attention of the public and it will therefore be profitable for Cloud Finance Inc. It must be promoted in such a way that the public gets convinced on the fact that the software will be ready for commercial use by the end of December. Cloud Finance Inc. that is the corporation of California should ensure the public that are persuaded. For doing so, the 30 days warranty of the companys policy on the functioning of the software should be marketed and promoted. As mentioned before, financing is also a possibility but it requires the ability to assign it to a financing company. The deals must be publicized with the help of advertisements and other media so that it can get the attention of the public in order t o make it profitable. Representing the Californian Corporation of Cloud Finance Inc. needs to convince their partner Outstanding Finance Success which is a Canada based company for forecasting the new software. Since the consideration was $150.000, the startup should be focusing on promoting the products of the new software that will be put to commercial use by the end of December. The agreement of sale was being constituted at the beginning of the year. Cloud Finance Inc. is the selling company of computers therefore it should have the ability to assign it to a financing company. To make the company profitable, it should make the public aware of the benefits of this new software that will be used for commercial purposes. However, contract is a risk management tool that should be formed between two parties. The consequences of the contract or the potential problems can only arise if one of the parties breaches the contract. Breach of the contract will make the contract get terminated since the contract will not be considered as completed. The agreement formed between the two parties Cloud Finance Inc. and Outstanding Financial Success should be a valid one.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Legalize Drugs Essays - Drug Control Law, Drug Culture,
Legalize Drugs? Should Drugs Be Legalized? For several decades drugs have been one of the major problems of society. There have been escalating costs spent on the war against drugs and countless dollars spent on rehabilitation, but the problem still exists. Not only has the drug problem increased but drug related problems are on the rise. Drug abuse is a killer in our country. Some are born addicts while others become users. The result of drug abuse is thousands of addicts in denial. The good news is the United States had 25,618 total arrests and 81,762 drug seizures due to drugs in 1989 alone, but the bad news is the numbers of prisoners have increased by 70 percent which will cost about $30 million dollars. Despite common wisdom, the U.S isn't experiencing a drug related crime wave. Government surveys show between 1980 - 1987 burglary rates fell 27 percent, robbery 21 percent and murders 13 percent, but with new drugs on the market these numbers are up. One controversial solution is the proposal of legalizing drugs. Although people feel that legalizing drugs would lessen crime, drugs should remain illegal in the U.S because there would be an increase of drug abuse and a rapid increase of diseases such as AIDS. Many believe that legalizing drugs would lessen crime. They point out that the legalization of drugs would deter future criminal acts. They also emphasize and contrast Prohibition. When the public realized that Prohibition could not be enforced the law was repealed. Drug Legalization. Since the prohibition of marijuana in 1965 there has been sparked a new heated controversy over the legalization and/or decriminalization of this and other banned substances. Many politicians and lawmakers as well as philosophers, doctors, students, etc. have weighed the facts and opinions and have come to a decision on which side of the fence to sit on. he arguments either for or against the legalization of drugs seem to stem from two main focuses of thought. These two main ideas are that of consequentialism and deontology. Consequentialism is defined as the position that an action is right if it has good consequences and wrong if it has bad consequences. On the other side, is deontology, the position that believes that actions are right or wrong in themselves, regardless of their consequence. An easy way to simplify these definitions is to think about how these two thoughts would apply to murder. A deontologist would believe that murder is wrong simply because it is the taking of another's life, that the intrinsic value of murder is bad so thus ?murder is bad?. A consequentialist on the other hand would look deeper at the motive and consequence of the murder, then form an opinion from there. Looking past the intrinsic value of it, what if the one person that was murdered, was killed because he had a bomb that was going to kill 300 people? If believing in this channel of thought, one might conclude that this one sacrifice of life saved 300 others, thus the overall outcome is good, so the action was right. any classical as well as contemporary philosophers maintain opinions and ideals that can be classified as either consequentialist or deontological. Classical philosophers such as John Stuart Mill and John Milton, along with more modern writers like Milton Friedman and Ethan A. Nadelmann are all examples of consequentialist thinkers. On the deontological side of the coin reside such well-known purveyors of classical thought as Aristotle and Edmund Burke, along with contemporaries like William J. Bennett and James Q. Wilson. The two main ideas of thought held by the two divisions of these gentlemen have a great deal to do with their positions on the legalization of drugs. It is important to keep in mind that while the opinions of Friedman or Bennett, for example, are known because of their writings and expression of these opinions, we are only assuming at this point what an older philosopher, like Aristotle for example, would think about the controversy. The deontologist way of thought would conclude that the use of illegal substances is a bad thing and should be banned from usage by authority. Aristotle for example believed that the job of government was to
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