Monday, January 27, 2020
The Information System Implementation Organisation Information Technology Essay
The Information System Implementation Organisation Information Technology Essay One of the most controversial issues which organisations can face is user resistance to changes. Re-organisation is frequently alongside fear and anxiety, because employee would usually encounter the unknown issues. Usually resistance occurs due to some blind spots in approaches as a result of newly introduced ideas. Nowadays, many managers must be involved with new products, new information system, new government rules, growth and industrial and scientific improvements. Therefore, the value of substantial alterations in an organization is inevitable. As a result, many companies or organisations decide that it is good for theirs organization to undertake moderate organisational changes rather than revolutionized changes. So, the management should find ways to help them overcome the users resistance to changes. The failure of many large-scale corporate change programs can be traced directly to employee resistance (H.Bovery and Hede, 2001). The key point to face the problem is to find out the nature causes of resistance accurately. The purpose of the present essay is to demonstrate various types of reasons for resistance to change, and after that analyzing the different ways to choose strategies for implementing an organizational changes attempt to achieve the aim which is what can be done to overcome this resistance? Sources of user resistance: There are many types of causes which would lead to the users resistance to any organizational changes efforts. To identify ways to manage the situation, user resistance to changes created, successfully, it is logical to firstly identify and estimate the attitudes of users in general. To help recognize and estimate the possible reasons for users resistance to changes in an organization, it is wise: To identify type of users who would resist changes, which means if the resistance occurs in individual users or group users. To identify users needs. To identify users attitude and values which they have. To identify users interests. (2) Here, we discuss on some fundamental reasons of resistance to the shifts. Parochial self-interest Users feel they may lose something which can be a value to them, as a result of organizational changes, therefore they resist the shifts. This is generally known as one of the main forms of resistance within the users. Generally users first preference would be to consider their own interests over those which are in favor of the whole organization. In such a case, resistance usually leads into a political behavior. This reaction sometimes occurs through and before organizational changes, this is due to the fact that something may be in the best interests for somebody or some groups and instead that exact thing is not in the best interests of the whole organization.(1) Misunderstanding and lack of trust Sometimes resistance can occure because of lack of trust between the person who governs the change and the employee in the organization who will become the user of the change. In this case users often resist when they do not have a clear understanding of the situation and therefore they may believe that these new implicated alterations might charge them more than they will gain out of these changes. Substantially, in many organization level of trust between employees and managers are low and therefore it is not unexpected for the misunderstanding to exist, when changes are being introduced. In effect in this kind of situations the initiators can manage the situation with clarifying the changes and the gains due to the changes to the employees quickly to eliminate misunderstanding. (1) Different assessments The third fundamental reason that may cause the user to resist organisational change is that people asses the implication and recent condition in a different ways to their initiators or managers. As a result they may think this change may introduce additional charges which can be more than their benefits, not only the immediate charge to themselves but also to their company and organisation as a whole. Managers who set off changes usually guess that, they have all the appropriate information which is necessary to accomplish organisation analysis whereas their assumption may not be correct. In this case the difference in information with regards to the groups involved with may lead to diverse analysis. As a result of this issue many managers think resistance is always bad so they always treat the resistance in a bad way, whereas in a number of cases the analysis of someone who is not initiating the change is more beneficial than the initiators themselves, so in such case the resistance is clearly good for the organisation and company.(1) Low tolerance for change Users also resist the change because they assume they do not have enough ability to develop the necessary skills and behaviour which is required for new implications. As a psychology aspect generally human beings have limited capability to change and the scope of the limits in someone is much lower than the others. This mentioned discussion can go for managers as well. The managers inability to change their behaviour as fast as the organisations needs can lead to inhabit the development of an organisation. In other words, if a manager with inability to change, understand the need for changes in their company, usually they cannot acquit to make a transition as a result of an emotional backlog. All of the previous behaviour occurs due to lack of tolerance for change in personality. Sometimes users understand new situation which emerge because of changes, and they even understand the gains in implementing the changes however they still resist the changes. For instance, new position for an employee in an organisation requires new relationships, new knowledge, and different manners; even though the new position is better than the previous one, many employees still feel uneasy with the whole transition to the new job. Dealing with resistance to change Managers can set up various strategies to overcome users resistance to organisational changes by using the information which can be gathered from analysing the source of their employees resistance. The goal of employing these strategies is to convince the users with the logic behind the change so the user can accept the shift. There are three levels of adaption which are think-feel-do; these types of adaption process present a fine outline which are to be introduced in this stage. (2) Education and communication The very first step that can help the manager to overcome users resistance to change is to educate the employee in the organisation. Communication of ideas about the new situation helps users to understand the logic behind the change. Management can inform users of the benefits of implementing the changes. Often implementation of new information system in an organisation fails because of lack of communication. Since user in many cases assumes that use of the new system is reluctant, top management should provide training which introduce the new system to the users and explain how the new system works and familiarise the users with the other aspects of the new system. For instance in the case of ERP system (enterprise resource planning system is made available support for organisation activities by incorporating set of programs), management should supply awareness for the user that how the ERP system is going to work. For example, management should describe obviouse inputs and outputs of the system and characterize the departments which will supply the data. (2) Participation and involvement Management and initiators of change can usually prevent resistance by involving potential users in some parts of implication of change effort. On the other hand participation resistors has advantage, initiators can use user advice who involves the implication of change. The research found managers have different feeling about participation, first group have a positive perspective and the latter one have negative. Their perspectives lead to different reaction. Some initiators believe that the user should always participate during the change effort, while others have converse idea. Both approaches can create problem in management area. To clarify the effects of the users participation it is wise to illustrate the study which was carried out by Laster Coch and John R.P.French, Jr., in a clothing factory. It is the most systematic study in relation to resistance to the change. The research has been carried out with four different groups who were being paid on an improved piece-rate. Each groups were allocated with different kinds of changes which were implied during work and use different technique to apply them. During the experimental study, researchers considered on all the finding carefully and recorded them to understand what problem creates the resistance to the change. The first group was known as a no-participation method by the researchers. This small group of operators met the staffs in a room where they have described the changes to the operators in details, the reason of the change and explained to the staff that there was a necessity for change in their work. Then, the operators sent back to their work in new situation and with the new techniques. The second group of operators was familiarised with the changes by a participation-through-representation technique. The work change was introduced to third and fourth group by a total-participation method.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Necklace :: Guy De Maupassant The Necklace Essays
The Necklace      In any literay work, it is absolutely essential to have characters, whether major or minor. It is also necessary to develop these characters through out the story. Character development gives the reader insight to the more important meanings or lessons of the story. These lessons are usually brought out by the events that take place within the story. Looking at Guy De Maupassant's piece â€Å"The Necklace†, we see a very clear development of the main character Mathidle. In the story, we see a change in her attitude about life. This change come about when she has to learn one of life's little lessons the hard way. She and her husband are forced to live a life of hard work and struggle because of her own selfish desires. Mathilde changes from a woman who spends her time dreaming of all the riches and glory she doesn't have, to realizing that she over looked all the riches she did have.      The story opens with the description of how miserable Mathilde is. Maupassant describes her as â€Å"suffering constantly, feeling herself destined for all delicacies and luxeries.†(Pg 4) She sits dreaming of silent rooms nicely decorated and her own private room, scented with perfume to have intimate â€Å"tete- a-tetes†with her closest friends. Then she is awakened, only to realize that she is in her own grim apartment. In her eyes, she lives a tortured and unfair life. Mathidle has a husband named Losiel. He is much the opposite of his wife. He is completely content with his lifestyle. He seems to be a very passive person, who doesn't let status or riches effect him. Of course, if he had the chance to be rich he would, but he doesn't dwell on the fact that he is part of the middle class. He seems ot be a hard worker and does his best to provide for his wife. He demonstrates is simplicity the one night at dinner Losiel and Mathilde sit down to eat. Mathidle is dreaming of fancy four course meals, while he is ecstatic because they are eating boiled beef.      Losiel is aware that his wife has not yet adjusted to her status. One night, he had come home from work very excited. He had worked extra hard to get he and his wife invited to one of the biggest parties ever. Losiel thought this would be please his wife, when in fact it only made her upset. Here was Losiel trying to please his wife and she just started to cry. This just goes to show how ungreatful she really is.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Interfaith Dialogue in a Multi Faith Australia Essay
Australia is a multi cultural country containing a wide range of ethnically and religiously diverse peoples, allowing benefits for Australian society. However, it can pose a potential challenge to social harmony and cohesion because to one faith the idea of what is scared or important may contrast entirely with another. Interfaith dialogue is therefore an effective method for avoiding such clashes. It is a movement aimed towards promoting and understanding different religious traditions, and to clear up any misunderstandings or conflicts. Though debate and argument can be an issue, it is not what it aims to promote, Wendy Wilkie, a Uniting church Delegate stated â€Å" †¦many Christians and Muslims would see the only reason you talk to somebody of another faith is to convert them to your own†¦Ã¢â‚¬ which is why these discussions can be difficult. The four principles of Dialogue are; it begins when people meet each other, depends on mutual understanding and trust, makes it possible to share in service to the community and Dialogue becomes the medium of authentic witness. These principles are all effective and vital to help sustain peace between religions in such a multi-faith country, and therefore Inter-faith Dialogue is of great importance in Australia. A large number of Inter faith initiatives have taken place in Australia; an example is the Australian National Dialogue of Christians, Muslims and Jews, beginning in March 2003 aiming to provide opportunities for these faiths to build understanding and to clarify contentious issues with their respective faiths. Since the amount of religious diversity in Australia is so great, the importance of discussion and resolution through Inter-Faith dialogue is crucial, as clashes between these faiths is an inevitable reality.
Friday, January 3, 2020
High School Health Education Class - 907 Words
During CURR 305 I observed Mrs. Burkett’s high school health education class. Reflecting on my experience in her I class I observed many of her strengths as a teacher that are very beneficial to her students. One of her strengths is that she has a positive influence and personality. She is very easy going but is also strict at the same time. She is also a very patient person. Without patience I believe that a teacher will get frustrated easily and might handle situations the wrong way that could potentially cost them their job or burn out. A big thing that stood out and that I noticed was that her classroom is all about respect. Respect for yourself and respect for others. She doesn’t tolerate put-downs, one person speaks at a time and the students must be on time and prepared. She said that, especially with the sensitive topics discussed in a health classroom, respect is the most important thing. Students need to feel comfortable asking questions and participating in activities. She told me that if she had an opportunity to change professions, she wouldn’t. Many of Mrs. Burkett’s strengths have helped me in forming my disposition as a future teacher. Two strengths that I may build upon as a future teacher are compassion, caring and respect. I believe compassion and caring may be a source of leadership in my future classroom because my student will see that I truly care about them in and out of the classroom. Taking the time to connect and build relationships withShow MoreRelatedCan a Lack of Physical Education Classes in High Schools Become a Future Threat to the U.S Life Expectancy?1607 Words  | 7 PagesPhysical education can go beyond just working out. Physical education involves several different approaches for learning. 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